What is on-page optimization? Please tell me how can you start on-page with the new site?

On-page optimization is a process to make your site search engine user friendly. Following shows the most important on-page optimization techniques.

1. Keyword research and analysis
2. Title and meta tags optimization
3. Image optimization
4. site verification
5. Link optimization
6. Content optimization

As on page is one method in seo for improving site visibility more. As it includes all about tags , title , anchor text , keywords and all. And you can get more information from wikipedia.

On Page Optimization is a process of increase quality of your website. It is a part of Search Engine Optimization. Some techniques are following-

1. Keyword Research & Analysis.
2. Meta Title
3. ALT Tag Optimization.
4. Anchor Tag Optimization.
5. Heading Tag Optimization.
6. Sitemap Optimization.
7. Robots.txt Optimization.
8. HTML Code Optimization.
9. Check Page Loading Time.

On-page optimization: The process where we're optimizing in between page.
You can say starting with
Analysis (key words, website)
meta part
coding html, css
alt tag
url structure etc...

In simple words onpage optimization is process we do Search Engine Optimization by making changes on web pages. you can set your targeted keywords, page description and keywords, site map creation, robots.txt file creation, canonical issue fixing, internal linking, content subjugation in on page.

On-page optimization are things directly in your control (navigation structure, optimizing html, etc). Off-page optimization are things you wish were in your control (other sites linking to you, social bookmarking, etc).

On-Page Optimization is not the easy processing.
1. Keyword research and analysis
2. Title and meta tags optimization
3. Image optimization
4. site verification
5. Link optimization
6. Content optimization
7. Sitemap Optimization
8. Robots.txt Optimization
9. Link Exchange Optimization

And also more.........

On page SEO is the process to improve/alter the page elements to optimize page loadtime and minimize the crawling errors

in addition to the optimus post please add the following too.
10) comment on html page
2)age of the website,if less..get a domain with the keyword.. if age is more than two years...no need of keyword domains..

Onpage SEO generally include the followings-
Domain name
File name
Meta tag
Header tag
Anchor tag
Image tag
Footer tag
HTML code optimization
keyword density, proximity and prominence

What is on-page optimization? Please tell me how can you start on-page with the new site?

When your site is completed, you need work on site's page like metatag creation, URL structure, Keyword Placement etc. In On-page optimization, you have to do work on website page that is called On-page optimization.

Many of others had shared us on-page optimizatioin, slight different from others. It should be noteable, very important processes. Header tag is one part of On-page. It will be helpful for search engine to crawl if the Header tag are used effectively.

On-page optimization is basically designing your web page so that search engines can find it. The most basic things you need to do make your site DoFollow to make search engines spiders crawl to it, fill out the meta tags in your web page to give the spiders and search engines an idea of what it is all about.

On page is also called internal page optimization. On page optmization means making changes in webpages.

There is full procedure for on page optimization. Firstly you have to do the website analysis then keyword research and analysis. Keywords must be according to pages and services or content. Then meta tag optimization, site verification, webmaster files, sitemap and robots.txt optimization. And after that the implementation of website

What we can see on the website & its content is came under on page.Keyword setting is another factot.On page contains 30% work else is of off page.But its one of the most important aspect because it came in the starting stage.

Onpage Optimization starts with the design of the site how much it is search engine friendly.
proper title tag, meta tags, keyword density

its done in your website and off page optimisation is done outside the website.
if on page optmisation is ok then only go for off page for better result..

commented: wtf? -3

On page optimization is the technique of seo for creating the more traffic to the website.Keyword & meta tag processing used in the on page optimization.All changes do in the admin side of the website so on-page optimization are things directly in your control.

On Page Optimization is a very good way to improve your website structure in SEO work.
In On Page, you should have to add Meta Titles, Description, Google-bot, Robots, Google analytics etc etc,,...

On-Page Optimization Include-Title and meta tags optimization,Content optimization,Link optimization, Sitemap Optimization,Link Exchange Optimization

On page use

Meta Tags
Image Otimization
Content Management
Google Analytics index
Google Webmaster Tools Index
Alexa Index
Dmoz Index
Many more things
that is on page methods :)

I think On Page Optimization means -
Meta Tag Preparation
Site Analysis
Keyword Research & Analysis
Web Page/Design Optimization
Content Optimization
Mod Rewrite / Search Engine Friendly URLs
Robots File Creation
Competitive Analysis
W3C Validation
Sitemap Creation &Submission
Site Quality Check
Link Building Campaigns
SEO Recommendation
SE Friendly Design
SE Friendly Programming
SE Friendly Content

Analyze your website thoroughly. Perform the following actions:
1. Keyword Analysis and Research
2. Meta Tags
3. Content and Image Optimization
4. Navigation Optimization
5. Robots
6. SiteMap
7. Webmaster Issues

Om page is first technology of SEO we should do it first on SEO.

On page methods
Meta Tags Optimization
Alt Tags Optimization
Sitemap creating in xml
Google Webmaster Tools Optimizations
Google Analytic Installation
Sitemap Indexing
Alexa Optimizations

On-Page Optimization is process to make a website search engine friendly. Some techniques are following-

  1. Keyword Analysis
  2. Meta Tag Optimization
  3. Heading Tag Optimization
  4. ALT Tag Optimization
  5. Content Optimization
  6. W3C Optimization
  7. Check Page Loading Speed
  8. Check URL Canonical
  9. 301 Redirects
commented: yawn yawn yawn -3

In on-page seo you must choose relevant domain name of your business. Title tags is most important thing in on page optimization. Write a short and effective meta description.You can post regularly in your website to get a good result. Write a unique and relevant content. You can upload a video to reach in high page rank.

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