I saw many times that Google indexed my some pages not all pages. How can i get my all pages index from Google? Please suggest your point of view.

Make Google sitemap and submit into webmaster tools & Another HTML sitemap for visitors.

update your XML site map to web master tool and wait until Google will crawl your pages.

Yes. Create a sitemap of your site and submit it to Google Webmaster. Wait for a moment till your pages get to be indexed. It will take some time but atleast you will be sure of the result. Having a sitemap is good for a site.

Site map and Link Building.

Update your xml site tool to webtool master and create a site map of your site and submit it to google

Update or make site map of your site with google. and submit it into webmaster tools. Thank you.

Sitemap is used for fast indexing so create a new site map.

When you do site:domain.com, it is NOT an accurate tool to measure how many pages on your site are indexed by Google. You need to use Google Webmaster Tools at www.google.com/webmasters/ to get a more accurate picture. Then, as has been suggested, create a Sitemap.

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