hi, i have had a designer clothing websites open for about 7 months, but it is still not ranking well in google, i did pay www.servicewrap.net to get us ranked but after about 2-3 months they said we where in the google sandbox then said that they sister site could help us www.approv.com by doing some thing called pr framing........... but what do people think of this and what other things can i do to get visitors to site?

I had a quick look at the web services in question. My opinion is just an opinion, don't make your decision based on one person's opinion.

Wow, there sure is a happy glittering smiling person on the Entrance Page, surely their customers must be this happy ( sarcastic sorry ).

This service seems to be pretty good though. They rank very well for their particular target markets, TODAY. They are good self-promoters, that's a given. There are two questions that you need to ask yourself : what can they do for you within your budget and what happens to your web site down the road when their linking strategies disassemble.

The first thing I read when I showed up at the site is "We deliver website promotion that lists your website in top 10 search engine ranking positions across Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, AOL, Excite, Lycos AND MORE." I really have to wonder a couple of things. Where's MSN? Would they happen to get penalized by MSN for their SEO techniques? Secondly, optimizing for AltaVista, AOL, Excite, Lycos AND MORE, then on their web site they also include Hotbot, iWon, Netscape and AlltheWeb as taget search engines, is fairly useless and most of these now use Google results anyway.

What about guarantees? Ask for a gurantee. Nobody can guarantee claims like the one discussed above, especially for competitive keyphrases. I'm talking about the natural, organic search engine results not the sponsored; such pay-per-click listings ( you can do that yourself quite efficiently ). Tell them that you were thinking of hiring them for a top ten position for the keyphrase "online casino" in the natural results pages and find out about their money back guarantee ( and keep this close by ).

When I go to their Clients section, they don't have any listed or any examples of the client's keyphrase competitons. Hmm. Let's say they do have some but are a little hesitant to acknowledge who these clients are, but they eventually do provide you with some. Ask them what keyphrases are positioned in the Top 10 across Google, Yahoo and MSN. Do keyphrase search frequency analysis. How many times are these keyphrases searched for on the major seach engines each month. Do you want to position your web site in a keyphrase competition that has 10,000 search requests or 0 search requests. Another way to look at this is : are the keyphrases something like "service something in a specific place" or are they like "service".

You can usually find out a great deal about an SEO by their own promotion. So I dug around a bit and analyzed this and that and here is my verdict.

They are good linking strategists. They are also very good copy writers ( I don't mean copyrighters, I mean keyphrase rich content writers ). These are their real strengths. They have tons od good content and a good number of textual links pointing to each other and links from outside web sites ( to pump up the link popularity ). This is an effective SEO technique, in the short term especially with Google today but have little value in long term SEO for many reason which is another discussion altogether.

I would have to ask myself before I jumped into a service such as this : how much would I be willing to pay someone to develop an internal and external linking strategy and can I do this myself?

So weigh it out. Keep two things in mind when hiring an SEO : No one is the God of the search engines who dictate which web sites get what position and also that search engine change, sometimes very unexpectedly and what may work today can be a penalty factor tomorrow.

if you really fail to get rank you can use google adwords service to bring customers on your site or get some cpm deal for some smaller networks

if you really fail to get rank you can use google adwords service to bring customers on your site or get some cpm deal for some smaller networks

Absolutely!!! Google adwords is the best way to get the targetted customers, you can also submit your website in directories, and get reciprocal links as well....

Personally I dont believe on SEO experts, do it your own, and you can do it well. :)

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