I just got a message in my Google Webmaster Tools saying that "Googlebot found an extremely high number of URLs on your site". The last time that I got this message was right around the time that Google Panda hit the first time, so I'm a little worried. However, the example URLs that are provided are mostly pages that are noindexed, and have been for the better part of a year now. Is this something to worry about?

However, the example URLs that are provided are mostly pages that are noindexed, and have been for the better part of a year now. Is this something to worry about?

If they are noindex then I think there is nothing to worry about. But please note there may be some URLs that are not noindex and need your attention for proper robots directive. If possible please add directive in your robots file for the pages or directories as per the requirement for googlebot to follow the instructions.


Nearly all of the URLs are noindexed, which is strange. A handful of them that are not noindexed are alternate versions of pages, with a canonical URL specified for the preferred version.

You have an example as with the new seo there are no duplicate urls or for that matter lots of stuff passed in urls so not real sure what google is dinging you for.

FYI please check your copyrights on our applications. Your gallery you purchased the extra brand free licensing but I show you have removed branding from all our products. Please correct this as soon as possible.

> FYI please check your copyrights on our applications. Your gallery you purchased the extra brand free licensing but I show you have removed branding from all our products. Please correct this as soon as possible.
HUH??? What gallery?

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