What is anchor text? Why is it important?

The anchor text, link label or link text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. The words contained in the anchor text can determine the ranking that the page will receive by search engines

By ‘Anchor text’, we mean highlighted words on a page that link to another web page or resource. On clicking this hypertext, the linked resource gets loaded in the user's browser.

It is a powerful on-site optimization technique. Building backlinks with the targeted keywords as your anchor text is the best way to ensure that your posts rank highly in search engine result pages.

What is anchor text? Why is it important?

Anchor text is the visible characters and words that hyperlink display when linking to another location on the web.

see below some of our links name, that's anchor text to your link.

anchor text is called where you tag your keyword on your link is ..it is redirect your site..

The anchor text, link label or link text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. The words contained in the anchor text can determine the ranking that the page will receive by search engines

From an SEO point of view, this is an explanation of that anchor text. But for a visitor, the anchor text is also very important as he knows what the link behind those words is about.

Use targeted keywords in the anchor text. It will help you to get ranking for that targeted keywords..

link which is hyper is called anchor text

Anchor tag is used for creating links to specific keyword...

Anchor text is one kind of HTML language tag and it is use to create hipper link from one web page to another web page, and you can specify no follow and do follow link in this anchor text tag also.

Anchor text is critical to gaining rank for a keyword, with the correct anchor text on a high pr site, you will have difficulty getting anyone to find your site.

A keyword which is used for link to next page or another site that keyword or text called anchor text and it is click able or highlighted

Anchor text are nothing but th clickable text in a website which points to another website related to the text.

Anchor text is simply the text used to represent a hyperlink. Anchor text is used to make links more attractive and to make it easier for the search engine to index backlinks in relation to specific keywords.

Anchor text help create backlink.

Anchor text is used to hyperlink one web page to another page. In Google's recent update it is focusing main at irrelevant anchor text links.

Anchor text issue is really much hyped-over after the Penguin Update. It is widely reported that an anchor text lacking diversity is top risk factor to lose rankings in the course of Penguin.

Here's a strategy to stay on the safe side with your anchor texts when doing link building:

  1. Check your site with seo spyglass to get full list of anchor text variations you've been using to date.

  2. Spot tendencies, see if you're running a risk of using one and the same anchor text.

  3. If you see one and the same anchor in 90% of your links, consider fixing that, especially if you have direct access to you links (sites in your network or similar stuff). In other cases, don't bother - don't panic, and don't bombard site owners with "change my anchor request". Learn your lessons and move forward.

  4. Make a long list of anchor text variations - you might need an additional round of keyword research.

This is your keyword , which is linked by your landing page link

Every keyword with its link in important for site ,and the keyword with its link is called anker taxt

The anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. The words contained in the anchor text can determine the ranking that the page will receive by search engines.

Anchor text is also known as hyperlinks, it is linking a text to a specific URL.

anchor text builds a back link behind your keywords it has a vital importance in SEO as it is used in blog commenting article subbmission and where the hyperlink option are missing

Anchor text is the text used to describe a link when turning it into a hyperlink using HTML or XHTML coding.The words in anchor text is helpful in ranking for the particular website

Anchor text is an system how you can create backlink of your site under desired keyword

Anchor text with proper use of keywords wil help to rank your site in search engine.

Anchor text, it tell us about anchoring the content on which that code is applied, this used esp. in seo purpose to anchor targeted keywords with the relevant page.

Anchor text is a click able text which will redirect you to some url that you have provided.Yes in seo anchor text plays very important role.We mostly use in articles and blogs.Yes after penguine update rules for anhchor text are changed so there should be variation in anchor text as much as possible..
Syntax of making anchor text--- <a herf="Url">Keyword</a>

Anchor text, sometimes referred to as clickable text, is an important part of a hyperlink-coding that connects an image or words to another webpage or part of a page.

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