Does using automated SEO software cause a website to be penalized? Suggestion please!!

Does using automated SEO software cause a website to be penalized? Suggestion please!!

Autometed, yes, autometed folks. In SEO, I tend to avoid anything automAted (that word's pretty similar to automatic, a morph of auto mating too), even dynamically generated web pages. Automats - automated link building machines (aka autolinkers, automats, backwards morphs to auto mats) are out of the question. So is content generators (congenetors) and any other Cookie-Cutter DOorway paGe-like uselessneSs (C-C DOGS). Then there's that new car's data input cross-dressing robot they're using now, the "automo-bi-tron". Maybe you're thinking about that?

I would, however, appreciate an automated microwave thingy; one that figures out exactly how much time and at what power level it needs to set itself in order to reach that hot yet not too googley-goo state inside my pizza pops for lunch today then serve it too me with a coupla' napkins. :)

There are no such softwares, if what you say would be true it would mean that anyone could knock down their competitors by running them on the competitors behalf.

Does using automated SEO software cause a website to be penalized? Suggestion please!!

Usually it doesn't but if you are making 1000 submissions in a day using a tool that increases the chances of website getting penalized by the search engines because search engines prefer natural link building and submissions and you can't make 1000 submissions in a day...can you?

i am not using software for my seo work and i suggest you don't used such type of software.

Use software but don't build excessive backlinks for your website...But if you are collecting low quality backlinks then it is considered as a spam

a software is just a tool. it is up to you how you use it. like if you use senuke, don't abuse its power. use common sense so you don't over optimize or abuse the number of links. always keep in mind that link building should be guided by the concepts of link velocity and link diversity.

If you use automatic software for seo search engine will block your website and software approved websites which you already submissions done with automatic software they also reject and waste your work if google banned or block website keep in mind mate.

Yes, automated software used to create thousands of back links in a night and when Google find out about this, they can penalized you . Google like clean and hard work which supposed to be done according to their guidelines.

SEO expert

Manual methods are best way to optimize a site.We should not use any software .By using any software spamming and keyword stuffing happens.

According to me SEO work is best instead of using SEO software.

Yes, using SEO software can penalize your website. I advice you not to go for any kind of software for SEO.

Does using automated SEO software cause a website to be penalized? Suggestion please!!

For me, its a yes. i used several seo tools and it did not work for me. I prefer having a quality links than trash links.

Most of the seo sofwares contains good and bad links. so what i did was to link build it manually.

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