Hi Guys

I have just started my website. It has been up since the 8th of December and i want to gain more traffic for my my website and blog. How do I build both and what is a realistic outcome. I would like to attract 1000 visitors a month as soon as I can for both with in the next 5 months. Is this being unrealistic?


Hi Roy.

You didn't mention what your website is about, but if it is something that can engage visitors - health, fitness, music, etc., creating social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) would be a great start. Build a following and engage regularly. They might link back to your website.

1. Original quality content is a must! Don't copy/paste content from other sites onto your own. Manually rewrite the content and make it your own.

2. Create a SiteMap - A SiteMap helps with indexing and will often times get the less visited pages indexed higher.

3. Manually build backlinks or hire a backlink service to build backlinks for you. Backlinks (if done right, no blackhat methods) can greatly increase your page rank, depending on the competition. Adding comments to blogs and forums is a way to add backlinks. Make sure you stay on topic and don't spam. Submitting your website and blog to directories will also help.

Again, quality content will lead to visitors and people linking to your site. Social media is a great way to engage with people and share your stories or blog posts on. They will visit your site and if they find it helpful, they will share with their friends. If you use Social Media, make sure you had the appropriate widgets to your website pages i.e. Twitter share button, Facebook Like or Recommend button, etc.. The backlinks will help with your page rank and visitor count. Being a new website, you have to get indexed by the search engines. Doing the things mentioned above will help people discover your site from doing a search.

I hope this helps.

Article submission is one of the best SEO strategy, where you can target your keyword as Anchor Text form, and if you generate more and more back link on your targeted keyword then you have chance to increase keyword position. Just you should submit your Article in high Page Rank article websites.

If you increase traffic for your site then first Article and blogs post in good pr site with unique content. Then approve link which is come from articles and blogs submit in search engine submission.

hello friend;
Everyone is working for traffic. so it's not an eazy job.
Your blog / website should have the ability to attract the tail enders, that's the only way to get consistant traffic. So keep your blog/website as fresh and attractive.
use unique and informative contents to attract the visitors......

Friend see seo is Long time process.So I hope expecting result in this very short time will not be realistic.

Yeah, It's not impossible for now a days, I think it can possible through social media marketing, you should know must facebook & twitter.
by the continue seo like article marketing, blog posting & comment, forum etc...

Hi Roy:

Let me see if I can make it easier for you:

1. This is a long-term process, not a project. You will be doing SEO until the day you take your website down.

2. First, you need to do your on-page SEO. You will want to review the many many threads here and on the web for this. However, a few quick tips:
- Ensure your keyword research is done properly.
- Ensure you have ALT tags on all your images
- Ensure you have registered your site with Google, Bing, Alexa, and DMOZ, and put their verification codes on your site.
- Ensure your website has links to your social media sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube) and your blog.
- Ensure your site loads quickly. Look on the web for tools that will tell you this.
- Ensure all your links WORK!
- Go to a website grading site, such as HubSpot, and see what they say about your site. Tweak as needed.

3. You will then want to do your off-site SEO. Again, there are a whole bunch of threads and articles on this, both here and on the web. Review them. Some ways to start are:
- Directory postings. You will want to see my tutorial on this.
- Article marketing
- Blog postings
- Forum postings and commenting.
- Social Media marketing.
- Video marketing, such as YouTube
- Craigslist posting. Again, see my tutorial.
- Other classified ad listings and yellow page listings.

You get the idea. There are more ways to get links; again, check out the forums here.

You will almost certainly not get on to page 1 of Google, Bing, and Yahoo immediately; it will take months.

Good luck!

You can also go for the Social Media marketing and E-mail marketing

I think everyone is working for trafic.But it is not easy to get more trffic. if you want to gain more trafic for your website then do blog and article post in a good pr directory with unique content and after then do social bookmarking and link exchange

If you increase traffic for your site then first Article and blogs post in good pr site with unique content. Then approve link which is come from articles and blogs submit in search engine submission.

If you focus on getting more traffics, then try 2 avenues of linkbuilding:

1. social bookmarking - bookmark pages on the websites including the homepage to get votes and popularity.

2. article submission - submit good quality contents , be sure these articles are unique so you will not be penalized.

1000 visitors a month is definitely realistic. The best way to get traffic is search engines and there is a lot to be said for search engine optimisation, however backlinks are probably the most important.

Try to rank your major keywords in Google and do some social bookmarking. Do some social media campaign as well to gain quick traffic.

To increase you website ranking do some Quality Link building And Quality Article writting social book marking with some High PR websites or To buy high pr Links

I have do many process of increase our website page rank on Google.so Seo do many process for it,i.g
Social bookmarking
Forum posting
link bulinding

Try to learn full SEO then you will get 1000 traffic monthly or buy seo services from any seo experts or seo company :)

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