Hey everyone
I have a new website and i really want to get some idea what couls i di for better ranking in google.
I know a lot about the importance of backlink but im sure i have any idea i to get backlinks without bying them and spend all my money (its very expensive).
So if you have any tips or idea please....helpppp
You can see my website here: SNIP
I really need some help.
Hoping im on the right forum.
Thanks in advance!

Every page you add to your site means you have another page/link pointing at your homw page so keep adding more content to your site. Provide info that will help others and others will do the linking for you.

Backlinks and right keyword selection can help you to get high ranking on search engines.

Being a newbie to SEO, I suggest to read some books of beginner of SEO and will help regarding the steps to be follow to optimze a website or blog.

you have to increase the traffic sources for your site

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