Please tell how can i get projects of SEO?
I want to start SEO Work.

Thanks in advance.

There are couple of freelancing projections posting website in Internet where you have to introduced yourself and then describe about your skill and professional experience to get them. Alternatively, start a professional blog, by targeting Search Engine Optimization. Explain importance of SEO, benefits of doing SEO for website and your cost for every project and promote them in Internet through various ways for examples Search Engines and Social Media to reach the targeted clients.

There are lots of websites for this basically you have to start as a freelancer but you should have past experience in SEO...

Tell me how many SEO techniques do you know...

There are lots of websites available over internet that provides you this kind of work ,work as a freelancer but before this you should have best knowledge about SEO

How many SEO techniques you know ???

I heard that you can pick up projects through elance

Start with local companies, Call and approach with personal visit.
Shoot Emails with a cover letter and proposal, mention all the existing clients and your work.
Get a website, optimize it according to keywords like "SEO Services in chennai, SEO company in annanagar, chennai" [prefer long tail keywords - which will have less competition]. Build backlinks
Write SEO related blogs, put original contents.
For quick result, Advertise [PPC] in search engines and websites like Google, Yahoo, facebook etc.

I guess, you will get SEO project on everyday basis.

You can take seo project with freelance, elance, odesk, olx and quikr websites.

Thank you for sharing to us.

if you have relavant experience in SEO.then just registered on sites that are introduced in upper sites then bids there with SEO cover letter and experince if any clint interested with your performance then he will give you project

You can start bidding on bidding portals. First you have to get registered with these portals and then you can bid here. However, having an impressive profil is must.

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