I need To Optimize my <snip> as soon as possible. is any one can help me. Thanks In advance.

You just need to drive a traffic for your site , so write a good contetn and share it on social media sites.

what else i need to do with that

SEO includes on-page and off-page optimization; on-page includes title tags, meta tags & description & contents. Off-page are directory submissions, article submissions, press release, social media, social bookmarking, blog comments and more linkbuilding techniques.

If you want instant traffic for your website then try to do PPC & social networking promotion. IT will help you to get traffic & visitors. Also try SEO, it will help you to get good ranking for your targeted keywords

Just follow the basci Off Page SEO steps like Directory Submissions, Social Bookmarking, Article submission, blog commenting and Forum posting etc.

Write fresh and quality content for your website. Add some backlink for your website like:

Directory submission
Social Bookmarking
Forum Posting
Article Submission
Press Release Submission
Blog Comments

includes on-page and off-page optimization; on-page includes title tags, meta tags & description & contents. Off-page are directory submissions, article submissions, press release, social media, social bookmarking, blog comments and more linkbuilding techniques.

yes for Instant Icrease in traffic PPC is best .Other Best resources s to promote your web pages over social sites and share content over web by helps of blogs and article directories

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