I had 43.000 indexed pages and 50.000 unique visitors per month a few days ago. But now, On google I have only 1000 pages majority of which are too old. (about 1 year!)

Now I have very few visitors as you can guess.

Is there any similar occasion you have/had.

Is this situation temprorary?

Please help!


I feel your frustration. Here are a few suggestions I would try.

1. Use Google Sitemaps, to help Gbot find and index your pages.
2. Create fresh new links. Typically, a drop in page indexing means your external linkage has slipped. Get yourself included in some new directories. Pursue text links. Buy text links. Write a press release. You get the picture. You need new link juice to keep your pages in the index!


I Use VBulletin with Dani's seo hack which makes urls in html format. And I'm also thinking of using site map hack which is available on vbulletin.org and said to be really good. Yet it isn't compatible with dani's hack. So it sends google the showthread.php?t=123 style URLs.

Which one should I choose?

- thread123.html style without sitemap


- showthread.php?t=123 style with sitemap

Which one?

Option #1 with sitemap would be best. Although I can't see any potential problems with option #2.

Currently, we have 3 million pages indexed in Google (down from 8 million, actually) and I have never even touched the Google sitemap. :) Does that answer your question? :)

Currently, we have 3 million pages indexed in Google (down from 8 million, actually) and I have never even touched the Google sitemap. :) Does that answer your question? :)

Yeah, Good answer :)

Yet I wonder one thing, as i mentioned in the 1st post. Is my situation (losing my indexed pages) temprorary or permenant.

If not permenant, when will I hug my visitors ?

im having the same problem , now i have only 98 page indexed and im using Dani's seo hack too , and by the way daniweb.com have only 766000 page indexed in google !!

what is the problem?;)

I'm not quite sure what's up. Pages indexed suddenly drastically declined for us and yet this past week was awesome for us in terms of traffic received from Google. This weekend is slow, but all weekends are, so I can't compare until Monday.

and by the way if i go to my cache in google i c an other page and some codes i dont know why ..:S

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