Hi everyone,
anyone could explain for me this issue that my site get top in Yahoo all the time but every Saterday and Sunday my competitor takes my position ( Mine down to second and sometimes to the 5th or 6th position in the first page ). other days in a week mine come back to the first, it happened for half a year now. I found it so wierd. Anyone has the same sutuiation?
One more question about redirect, I have few more extra sites ( very revelant to my main one and separate hosting) and I have redirected them to my main site but Google indexed my other site ( google show meta tag and keywords from my unexpected extra site and not index my main site anymore ). anyone could show me how the best way to make redirect other sites to one site and still get indexed sites in separate?
I saw my competitors doing this but dont know how to do.
Thank you in advance for your inputs

Have a nice weekend

What keyword phrase(s)?

Hi everyone,
anyone could explain for me this issue that my site get top in Yahoo all the time but every Saterday and Sunday my competitor takes my position ( Mine down to second and sometimes to the 5th or 6th position in the first page ). other days in a week mine come back to the first, it happened for half a year now. I found it so wierd. Anyone has the same sutuiation?

Seems like standard crawling/refreshing activity, a little too consistent for me but hey, at the least the bots come and go frequently.

Off topic, have you many spelling mistakes within the content of the web site?

It sounds like, either accidentally or purposely your page has been hijacked by othersite.com...

I would worry and ask them to fix the problem immediately, by using a straight link or no link at all. sounds like a meta refresh, or some other issue (possibly with the php running their links, see the cached URL) similar to a 302 in Google. I have not noticed too many of these in Y or M, but occasionally I have seen them.

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