In a search engine optimization, if we are posting add on classifieds then Any body knows that how can i get the maximum back links from classifieds?????

You can get backlincks from classified sites because all classified websites support the posting of web links.. and also support do follow....

Yes dear classified sites are the good option for the back linking of your site... and it also help you in reaching your audience directly.....

While posting an add you should concentrate on Title,Content..If you provide attractive title,content then you will get more traffic..

Yes, you can. Try craigslist.

Classified add sites are best source for driving traffic, Just do add posting on local sites of add posting.

Yes, You can get the backlinks from clasiifieds. Try to post more on this type of websites.

Yes, Ofcourse you can get back links from classified site like: craigslist google recognize as well.
Apart from this you have high changes to drive some traffic through.

I dont think so that their is any wey to build backlinks form classified..Classified generate traffic for your website which will be very useful.

I agree to Marcus013 that it drives traffic to your website, you can also get backlinks there but if you are looking for traffic its a great thing to workout

Yes, you can get back-links from classified sites if it is done in a proper way with unique content.

yes, classified websites are good sources for backlinks. I have submitted backlinks to my website on thousands of classified websites and they gave me excellent traffic and google indexing.

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Yes, you can get back-links but why classified websites?

I know promoting a product is good thing but why used classified websites.

Offering service is one thing but posting an ad to for people to buy a product is a different thing.

It's really up to you what product or service you are offering from the ads

Yes you can get backlinks from most of the classified sites.

Yes, you will get backlinks from classified websites but you have to check it regularly as classifieds have time limit to display your ads.

In some classifieds it does not accept links. I heard that in that kind of classifieds site also we get backlinks by adding only address of our bussiness without add links to our website. Is it true?

Yes definetly, While classified posting we can give a link a specific keyword of your website.. is simple as it

Great Ideas I m apply My New Websites for Classifieds Backlinks

Good idea. Thanks to this information. I ll use to my website.

of course, In classifieds in form there is option of keywords put keywords there. otherwise you can also give link of your website to the specific word.

Yes Ofcourse You Can Gather Backlinks from Classifieds Website that Improving Ranking.

Thanks for this infomation.

well, if you are posting classified then i am sure you are posting it by using links to you site and you'll get the backlink default !

Getting Backlinks from classified sites is not what I recommend, as they tend to exist for a limited time. and over doing it may cause harm to your website.

I suggest that you should link to your individual products and post relevant ads on classifieds.

Yes ofcourse by doing classifieds, you can get backlinks also but post it in high page rank only..

Free classified submission is best one to promote back link, using high pr classified is best to increasing back link.

Some Classifieds do allow you to use website's link so from these links you can get backlinks.
Classifieds are responsive & fast way of getting backlinks.

Of course..Through Classifieds we can get backlinks as well as it is helpful for lead generation..

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