Hey Everyone,
It used to be you wanted your title to look like a sentence-or somewhat. Now, Should your title just include your keywords and how important of a factor is this?
Thanks for any help,

search engine gives importance to title tags and you should include main keyword in it. It helps search engine to understand the topic of webpage. Also don't repeat keywords more than two times plus don't make title too long.

Title is the most important tag that search engine always consider. There are some tip for an optimized title. First use your keyword in the title beacuse it carry quite weightage for your keyword strenght and Title should be of 65 charactors and place perfered keyword first than other keywords. Title should explain what the page is all about.

Title is a very important one for both search engine and users. The first glance of a site on SERP for users is the title. A good title can bring more visitors to a site.

Title plays an important role in bringing traffic..It should contain main keyword also service of that site in an attractive manner..

Of course its very important for a listing as well as for a blog to inter-relate the title with the keywords it used. If the title and keywords are similar then, it will be very effective and also beneficial for your site to get higher rank.

Title is very important if we talk about SEO. Meta title is crawled by search engines, so your title should be 65 in characters and should be very effective.

Your question is very good no one answer your question uptil now , i want to clear it according to my knowldge if you put your keyword as it or use it with the sentance formate the Google boot or you say indexer when search it make the seagments of that keyword or sentance so there is no issue regarding this .Yes there is another chance that if you put the keywords there is maximun chance for you so that meta keywords appear in search instead of sentance.

Search engine optimization also give priroty Title tag,like as meta tag.Cause when one user try to find something from the Search engine then its should be give priroty title tag as like Keyword....

Search engine indexed the web pages according to title tag and its relevant content in web pages.

Title is most important Factor that search engine always consider.

Title plays an important role in SEO. With the help of this, you can stuff your keywords in proper way.Sometimes, search engines get keyword rank easily by using that keyword in your title.

Search engine gives importance to the meta title so try to start the title to the main keyword that represents the page.

Title is very much important now a days. Its should be unique and attractive then only everyone will check the website.

Title is always a important part of SEO. So make attractive and comprehensive titile for search engines and users.

You should include main keywords because search engines give preference to the title tag....

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