Please share on-page optimization important factors

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Responsive design, unique content, sitemap, robots meta tag and cdn are the factors of the on page seo optization.

Important on page optimization factors are
Website analysis
Competitor analysis
Keyword research
Creation of title, meta tags, alt tag
Creation of robots.txt file
Creation of sitemap

On page SEO means we have to make on websites like title, meta tags etc. so it helful for Google to crawl the website and indexed with proper keywords.

On page factors in SEO are Sitemap, meta tags,tittle, Website analysis, Alt tag etc.

On-Page SEO Factors are:-
Sites Optimization.
Keyword Research.
Competitor Analysis.
Meta Tags.

Meta tag
image optimization
and fair knowledge of HTML is best thing for this.

Website analysis
Keyword research
Competitor analysis
Creation of title, meta tags, alt tag
creation of robots.txt file and sitemap
These are important factors in on page optimizaton.

If you want to do SEO for any new website then first of all you should to do On page optimization in proper way like Meta tags i.e Title, Keyword, Descriptions. For these you can use keyword planner tool through Google adword keyword tool which is little bit changed now from earlier. Try to choose proper Title, Keyword for your site and then use your title in your description. Don't try to repeat description, keyword again n again in different different pages of a site. When this process is finished then you can start off page optimization to get organic rank.

On page factors are :
Meta Tags
Keyword analysis

All the things like
Content analysis
Keyword analysis
Sites Optimization.
Keyword Research.
Meta Tags to choose
Sitemap Analytics
Webmaters analytics

Important on page optimization factors are
Website analysis
Competitor analysis
Keyword research and analysis .
Creation of title, meta tags, alt tag
Creation of robots.txt file
Creation of sitemap.

thanks and great sharing....

On page is the first base point to start SEO. Here itself competition starts to get rank. So always very deep analysation is needed for this.

Content analysis
Keyword analysis
Sites Optimization.
Keyword Research.
Meta Tags to choose
Sitemap Analytics
Webmaters analytics


On Page factors in SEO are those factors which are optimized on the website itself. For example: URL Re-writing. Optimizing the Website URLs is one of the on page factors.
Other On page factors are:
1.Meta Tags
2.Heading Tags
3.Alt Tags
4.Content Formating
7.Browser compatibility
9.Page speed and Load Time.

on factors are as follows
unique and rich content it should not be copyrighted content
proper robot.txt file
alt tags

Keyword research
creation of title, meta tags, alt tag
website analysis
creation of sitemap and robots.txt file
are important factors in on page optimization.

  1. Content Optimization
  2. Meta Title, Meta Keywords and Meta Description
  3. Alt Tag Optimization.

The most important onpage factors are:
(1) keyword density.
(2)Meta descriptions.
(3)Page title

First promote your site by doing onpage optimization such as, title tag analysing, competitors analysing, keyword analysing, meta tag optimizations and so on...

How about structure,everybody is keep repeating samething and nobody wants to mention about structure and silos to be used.

Important On-page factors are :

  1. Meta Tags (meta title and Meta description)
  2. Heading tags
  3. content - should be readable
  4. Url
  5. Keyword density
  6. internal linking
  7. site speed
  8. keyword prominance
  9. stemap.xml
  10. robot.txt etc....

The very important on-page factors for a website are:
Meta tags
Header tags
canonical tags
sitemaps, robots.txt
content optimization
keyword analysis
Url structure
internal nd external links

Here are the On-page optimization factors that can affect SEO.
Meta title tag
Meta description tag
Keyword in H1 tag
Canonical tag
Image optimization
Internal links
Website speed

Keyword in the title tag. The title meta tag is one of the strongest relevancy signals for a search engine.
Keyword in meta description tag.
Keyword in H1 tag.
Using keywords in the pages copy.
The length of the content.
Duplicate content.
Canonical tag.
Image Optimization

  1. E-A-T
  2. Title Tag
  3. Meta Description
  4. Headlines
  5. Header Tags
  6. SEO Writing
  7. Keyword Cannibalization
  8. Content Audit
  9. Image Optimization
  10. User Engagement

Good content supplies a demand
Good content is linkable

On page SEO includes different factors like Keyword Research, URL Optimization, Meta Tags, Header Tags, Keyword Placement in Content, Image Optimization and more.

commented: Please be timely. This discussion is 7 years old. +0
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