i am suffering after hammingward lunched by google can any body help me how can I increase traffic in my website,and how can i get the good position in google search engine result page?

Content submissions like article submission, blog posting, forum submission, press release submission and web2.0 submission are best methods to drive traffic. But you should submit unique and quality content.

In order to increase traffic to your webite you need to do both SEO and SMM. SMM includes Facebook , twitter, Google plus, AND SEO includes Forum Posting and blog commenting. this will get you high quality taffic.

As an SEO u should know some hot tips for blogging

1)Subject that interest
Select topics that interest you and on which you can write comfortably

2)Link your posts
Try giving a list six or seven links to information related to your topic

3)Be clear and simple
Write in simple language, with short sentences and paragraphs

4)Pictures tell a lot
Use pictures to dress up your blog entries

Hope these tips will help u being a good blogger and a good SEO


Mzondi Lungu

As an SEO u should know some hot tips for blogging

1)Subject that interest
Select topics that interest you and on which you can write comfortably

2)Link your posts
Try giving a list six or seven links to information related to your topic

3)Be clear and simple
Write in simple language, with short sentences and paragraphs

4)Pictures tell a lot
Use pictures to dress up your blog entries

Hope these tips will help u being a good blogger and a good SEO


Mzondi Lungu

SEO is the best way get to more traffic for your website. By doing Directory submission, Blog posting, Social bookmarking and blog commenting you can get more traffic to your website.

Always remember that Google has changed a whole LOT. Not all old fashioned SEO tactics work as they used to. Read up on Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird before choosing what is best for your site! Some things no longer advance you, they can even get you in trouble!

seo best option for increase site ranking.

Do follow link submissions in high PR website is one of the best option to recover from Humming bird updates effect.

Carefully keep abreast of new things poppping up on the internet. It all depends on what kind of niche you're in. My niche is very visual, so things like Instagram, Polyvore, Pinterest, are really good for me. If I was a mommy blogger, I would be on Sverve or would try to gear up my site for BlogHer. You need to take a good look at your site and see where you belog. If you have a site with great articles, look for social media sites where you can feature them to advantage. And don't forget Google+ communities and hangouts!

Social Media Optimization is the best way to increase traffic of your website. and Ariticle submission, blog posting also help to increase traffic.

for increasing traffic to you website offpage seo is must
social bookmarking
directory submission
blog commenting
article submission
are the best techniques

SEO is more important than most people think, but it has to be done right. I have several blogs, there was one that I had sadly neglected. I only added keywords, picture alt tags and descriptions and I had hundreds of visitors rightr after that (without even an ad!) So search engine optimization is no joke!

It may even be recommended to purchase ad credit / advertising from a different site. If you want the traffic's sake, try to PTC (pay-per-click).

Social Media is the best platform for increasing traffic in these days.

Through bookmarking,bolg commenting and submission,article submission and forum posting all are link building techniques in SEO which helps you to increase traffic on site in natural way.

Do proper on page SEO and try to get Quality backlinks through different link building strategies like Social bookmarking, forum submissions, Answering in Q&A sites, Content sharing, Image sharing and Guestposting...

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