What is SEO Benefits???

SEO means search engine optimization. SEO is a slow process but the results we get from seo are permanent. Its a technique to get free traffic on your website from relevant users.

seo has various benefits such as seo activities helps to drive more traffic as well as for the popularity of the site,by doing seo activities we can able to build up the business

Results we get from this are permanent.

Results we get from this are permanent.

How can the benefits of SEO be permanent? Search engines periodically change their algorithms. Can you be sure what works today will still provide a benefit six months from now? Take keyword stuffing for example - if you applied that old SEO technique today it would do more harm than good.

Seo helps your website to rank well in search engines... Whats the benifit of website if no one know abt your website... no one will open your website.. so seo is must for your website... SEO is the process of optimizing your webpage and promoting it....

SEO is short for search engine optimization and basically represents a process that is used to get free traffic from search engines such as Google and Yahoo. The benefits you get from SEO include increased traffic to a website, increased page ranking on search engines and building an online presence.

Thanks Guys...

Basically its about optimizing your website to make it searchable on search engines (google, yahoo, bing, etc) or on internet.

Nice Tutorial....!!
Thank you......
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As, the name itself sounds serach engine optimization means "optimizaing the pages in such a way that search engines can look onto easily" So, as easily the search engines can look on you as easily you are going to be on top of the list. This gives the advantage of getting more and more traffic from the search engines.

It provide traffic for websites.

-Long lasting.
-Gives you good return of investment.
-Increases credibility

higher page ranking equals more traffic to your website which is potentially more business

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