Hi friends,

I have a website of TV Shows "freelinks.tv" and on page optimization are good or use all off page process such as SBM, forum, blog, article. But no impronemnet in traffic and search results.

Please share your Tips !!!

Well, it looks like another newsite I would say keep on concentrating the work you will get traffic. It looks there is a need getting more backlinks.

Doing all off page doesn't ensure the traffic always to your site. Please make sure:
1. What is your current ranking?
2. Who is your target audience?
3. Do you use social media?
4. Important: Do you have backlinks from low alexa rank sites?
5. The On page for the site.

Hope this short checklist will be helpful for you.

For getting traffic focus on content marketing,social media site and classifieds.These will help you to get traffic into the website

Right, Mindstreak.

concentrate more on blog commenting and forum submissions. while choosing websites for this go for high PR do follow sites.

Anyway if you have tv,movie,video...sites you need video social method... Blog commenting isa time consuming like few other methods...but on long term is best ones i think...

Using social media optimization is best way to promote your site, do some valid off page optimization..

Also Try to share a video in video sharing sites it will increase a traffic.

If your website is new then it will take time. You should submit your website in Google webmaster tool. It will help you to know the basic reason behind it. You will get suggestion there to improve your site’s visibility.

Try content submission , its most strongest way to keep traffic, but keep in mind to use unique quality content.No duplication.

With any new website the most important thing is to not stop publishing content. All the search engines look at how fresh the website is, how much is going on on the website and also the traffic that you generate. Backlinks are still important but those can be achieved by going into communities, networks forums on the internet and sharing idea's and just generally interacting with the community.
A really big thing these days is Google + hangouts so if you can create a few of those and syndicate them to multiple websites then you could get some fast indexing and serp
Good luck

do press release, this will attract some traffic, continue with question and answers, blog comment, try update your content- a fresh content is always welcome.

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