If I google zarimakeup it still shows google plus business account in search results even though I deleted it a month ago. Whta can I do? I tried google forums but seems to get the run around like "Oh this isn't the right forum I am moving it to this forum"

Contact Google support; if you still had access to that account you could atleast login and there are settings within the profile to make the account private. It takes about a week or so for the profile to stop showing up but that would have been ideal.

Beyond that you are kind of in a predictament. You might be able to re-activate it to make it private but I've never had to do that so I wouldn't be alot of help.

the best was is to rectivate it and change the privacy to provate as stated by PixelatedKarma, had the same problem and that how i solved it from my end

Basically recently the algroithm was launch on Google, A Googl plus post when you plus the title of Google plus will be shown in your Google SERP. When you will be search anything when you will log out , You won't find a Google plus Results.

Well, I would say the best option would be contacting the Google about the problem that still that older Google business account is still listed over the maps, we have also encountered the same problem previously but later than we contact the Google about the issue that our older business listing is showing up over the maps they have put it as closed and mentioned over that listing that it has been shifted over to some place different.

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