Am a SEO beginner, Suggest some tips to engage more visitors to a new website?

Since your website is new. You should consider promoting your website rather than engaging. Start social media promotion, build quality backlinks, share your content on web 2.0 sites. Write press release.

So you should start creating content and build some backlinks.

All the best.

What kind of backlinks should i need to build?

Start social media. He is correct. For SEO the website has to age and your back links that you do manually on do follow sites need to age too

short term web/internet marketing via ppc or google ads/facebook ads/

long term marketing via seo

basics of seo
*lots of relevant content
*create social media profiles for your website on all the social media sites you know
*create a blog and blog quality content
*links, links, links

you can engage the users with the help of quality backlinks, Email marketing, social bookmarking, inphography. One of the most important thing to enage the users is unique Content. 'Content is king'

Well, because you are a newbie on this one I would say first of all try learning what actually engagement in context with a website is ?? Over here what it means is building your website in such a way that what users comming down to your website wouldn't press the close button ! Say I have site which is made for fun and user came down and didn't find any fun over their I don't think they will bother waiting over your site, so what matters is the weight or I could say in fun category the content you have or the games or anything you have which keeps the interest of the user comming down over to your website! So here I would say before moving forward in working with the optimization thing make sure that you have put everything required for a site to function correctly at the proper place!

There are some methods in building the backlinks. The folling measures will help to increase the traffic to your website:-
* Google Profiles
* Blog Commenting
* Article Marketing
* Social Media Sites
* Directory Submission
* Video marketing

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