What is Google Authorship and how can it will beneficial for SEO?

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According to Google, the Authorship program no longer exists.

  • You can try using their alternative which is "rich snippets" or whatever is showing there on that page as another option to the Authorship.

  • I belive it was a project to enhance a website's viewability on search result pages; correct me if I'm wrong though, wouldn't be the first time.

According to my knowledge google authorship is a programe which google start for the authors. Through this authorship google show the author information with image in serach rezults. This programe is very benefitial for the authors. This program is very benefitial for the the SEO.

Thanks To All For There Valuable Comments.

No worries @watsonKatherine if you have got your answer then you can set this thread as answered instead of thanking us all over here ! :)

I think it is a way to link content you create with a Google+ profile.

How to activete authorship in google webmaster tool , my rich snippet is working in structured data tool?

Google Authoreship has been removed. Please be updated and then post.

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