Google penguin was created in 2012.But there latest update takes last year middle.Did they make any update in 2015?

not yet

i hear its called Google Pigeon which is a switch from keyword rankings to ROI metrics

Well, I would say Google Pengium update has already been updated to Pengiun 3.0 last year i.e at around october. So, I don't think that there's much to wonder about you can check the post over the SearchEngineLand located over here

Also I guess not google has been gearing for some other updates maybe next generation of panda and all ! Also I would suggest you to subscribe yourself over to the searchengineland post to make sure that you are updated with the change in trends and all !

No latest updation from google this year yet. May be next month their will an new updation.

@photography nope they aren't going to do that in the upcoming month rather than next version will hit around by the end of this year I guess anyway I don't think that there's any reason to think much about it .... as long as you are doing good things !

The best thing is to add meta tags and no one can beat you in seo...!

i don't know any latest update from Google but penguin 3.0 is working which rolling out in october 2014.

No more updates where made after Google Penguin 3.0.
It was updatesd to reduce the amount of spam on the internet, offering a better search experience for users

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