Hi there!
My site just updated pr from 4 to 6 this morning! How about yours guys?
There is some sights of Google dance also, I am sure Google is doing something with their update now!
Inputs are welcome to share this news!

Hi there!
My site just updated pr from 4 to 6 this morning! How about yours guys?
There is some sights of Google dance also, I am sure Google is doing something with their update now!
Inputs are welcome to share this news!

30 Sept 2006 is time I metioned above!

Still PR7 homepage for me. I think I might have a few more PR6 internal pages than before though. Haven't seen the googlebot on my site for weeks.

30 Sept 2006 is time I metioned above!

Yes, the post says the date :)

Some up my keywords start going up and down now! Maybe because of our typhoon here in Vietnam. :) Hope this is a good dance!

Keywords movin' with the weather, eh? :)

Keywords movin' with the weather, eh? :)

:) Sometimes Search Engine = Weather

Some of my sites are also updated their PR.

Some of my sites are also updated their PR.

Servers still updating, not completed yet! May finish soon hopefully.

our site have been all updated, pretty good

Is there a Google dance as well? I haven't been following the SEO industry for awhile. Is there still such a thing as a google dance?

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