anyone use this alexa's page ranking for seeing your sites performance?

i use alexa toolbar all the time to check out other sites' rankings. my site was originally ranked in the millions but then went into the 700,000's and now is in the 300,000's and moving up. by alexa's standards ur site isnt the best till its broken the top 100,000:)

On a rare occassion, I'll check out my alexa rankings. However, I hold absolutely 0% faith in their accuracy and I don't think they count for very much either. That's just my opinion.

anyone use this alexa's page ranking for seeing your sites performance?

i use alexa toolbar all the time to check out other sites' rankings. my site was originally ranked in the millions but then went into the 700,000's and now is in the 300,000's and moving up. by alexa's standards ur site isnt the best till its broken the top 100,000:)

the Alexa toolbar is only good to use a a very general gage to see how your site is doing. I would put as much weight on the Alexa rankings as I do in gogle's PR (BTW, I put little weight on PR, probably a lot less than most link traders). Neither ranking has anything directly to do with how good your site is, how much it is helping or driving your business, or how much search engine traffic you get. Instead. rely on your server logs and sales to determine how effective your site is.

I disagree, Arizona Web. I actually feel that PR has somewhat of a direct correlation with google search engine traffic. For example, these forums have lots 'n' lots of nested pages. However, many of the individual threads aren't listed in the search engines. I think that if I could get my forum index and thread listing pages to have a higher PR, google will spider and index more of my threads. But, yes, Alexa is just meant to be a general ranking. When I look at any Alexa ranking, I always seem to automatically attach the phrase "for entertainment purposes only" to it ;) I actually always laugh when I see advertisements such as "website for sale! alexa ranking of 75,000!! offer won't last long!"

Google's PR has nothing to do with Yahoo, Intomi, AOL, or the new MSN coming out. Although Google is the biggest of them, it is not as big as all others combined. Since G is the only one that uses PR, and newer aglos are diminishing the value of PR, I'll stick to my guns that PR isn't as important as some think. Incoming links and their text are far more important than PR, and on page elements are far more important than PR when determining search engine rankings in all search engines. Google's PR still does hold some weight and is still part of their algorhythm, but it is no longer even remotely as important as it used to be. Having constantly changing content will bring in your google bot more often, your site structure will help google bot determine how deep it will crawl. PR is a part of this equation, but it is not the important part. If it was, my site would easily be number one for my main keyword, since I have a PR7 with lots of PR6 and PR5 pages. Other sites are dominating the SERPs in all engines because of their off page optimization and google's perception of what is relevant.

Also, you might notice that this year Google’s results look a lot closer to yahoo’s lately. Prior to last November (the big google dance known as florida) google’s PR was a huge determining factor in ranking. It still is an element, but if you research PR in reputable SEO forums like HighRankings, SEO-Chat, Cre8asite, and SEO-Guy you will likely hear the admins echoing a similar feeling towards PR. Everybody still wants a high PR, but I personally would rather a high ranking. The last two updates have shown some sites to drop PR but gain rankings and vice versa. If PR was as important as some think, then this wouldn’t be possible.

Regardless, PR is cool. I have a lot, which I prefer, but don’t really care enough either way. Some really want that PR, but I just want more traffic. IMO PR chasers are chasing the wrong goal.

the Alexa toolbar is only good to use a a very general gage to see how your site is doing. I would put as much weight on the Alexa rankings as I do in gogle's PR (BTW, I put little weight on PR, probably a lot less than most link traders). Neither ranking has anything directly to do with how good your site is, how much it is helping or driving your business, or how much search engine traffic you get. Instead. rely on your server logs and sales to determine how effective your site is.

In my opinion Alexa rankings are pretty much useless for anything other than window dressing.

1. My understanding is that the rankings are based only on visitors to a site that have the Alexa Toolbar installed. How many web surfers actually have the toolbar installed? Haven't been able to find that info from Alexa's site. The toolbar is only available for Internet Explorer so any visitors not using IE are not even counted. Check your web stats to see how many visitors you get that aren't using IE.

2. You can easily skew your ranking by installing the toolbar and visiting your site often. Don't believe me? Check out my site . At the time this post is being written my Alexa rank is 168,863. Pretty good isn't it, but considering I am averaging 200 unique visitors or so a day that means that there are only 169,000 sites that get more hits per day than 200? I doubt it.

Can any so called important tool be so less important? At least the google PR number isn't based on such arbitrary information.

by alexa's standards ur site isnt the best till its broken the top 100,000:)

I've been using the Alexa bar for the past couple of months as just another tool to help in building 'the picture.' Alexa themselves say that the results aren't reliable until you get below 100,000, and the lower the number, the more reliable it is.

This makes sense from a statistical viewpoint, in that the bigger your survey sample, the more accurate the results are.

How many Alexa toolbars are in use? I don't know either. Last I heard last year, 10 million had been downloaded. Which doesn't tell us anything about how many were installed or are in active use today. Wild guess at 500,000 to a million???

I recently used the Alexa bar while comparing a few sites for a small ad campaign. I think it was probably reasonable to discount sites rated over 1 million, and be most interested in sites under 500,000. These were not SEO-savvy sites, so it's unlikely they'd even know about Alexa or its abuse tactics, never mind implement them.

Any point in us comparing our Alexa rankings with say our July site stats for pageviews? Here are 3 small sites I have:

Site A: Alexa 802,000 July Pageviews 13,400
Site B: Alexa 382,000 July pageviews 51,000
Site C: Alexa 170,000 July pageviews 70,000

We might get a picture on what's a reasonable margin of error for Alexa figs.

I have both the Alexa and Google tool bars, they're helpful more often than not. Especially for avid web promoters like me.

I use the google toolbar. Unfortunately, without a PR update as of late, the PR bar isn't of much help anymore. But I still use it as a searchbox and a popup blocker. As for Alexa, you guys already know my take on that ;)

Alot of the discussions i've seen about Alexa, always end up with the conclusion that Alexa isn't very precise..

Alexa is not precise and its very easy to falsify, if you have Alexa tool bar, make your website you default home page and reload your browser twenty times or so every day and you will have a fantastic alexa.

Alexa also does not count AOL users, its good as a general guild but its should not be used as an authoritative guide to a website traffic

alexa toolbar is helpful with providing links to related sites, however their ranking system is not accurate. The more people who visit your site that have the alexa toolbar installed the better chance your site will be. Having both alexa and google toolbar allows you compare differences but I'm always sticking with google to be more accurate.

If there is one thing that makes all the other tool bars superior to Alexa is that they do not rely on adware to provide their results. That is percisely why Alexa has such skewed numbers in this regard.

Alexa theory is simple.....
Pay them and you will get listed and counted and linked .... and more....
Don't pay them and :(
They are an Amazon affiliate...

Wait, I'm confused. you can pay Alexa? Alexa's not a PPC search engine, right? *confused* :)

Alexa theory is simple.....
Pay them and you will get listed and counted and linked .... and more....
Don't pay them and :(
They are an Amazon affiliate...

Just for the record, Alexa is not an Amazon affiliate but an Amazon Owned site!!!

Pay them?!?! For what?!?!

does anyone really use alexa??

yes you can pay alexa ....
marketing packages start at 2000.00 USD.


It's a completely terrible indication of true traffic. I have a new site that took 6 months to develop, and it was in the top 100,000 before I allowed the site to be crawled in December. The only people who even knew about the site were me and a couple of friends...:) Three months later, it's 37,861.

*That said*, however, the Alexa toolbar does have it's uses. If you sell advertising you may have been surprised how many people inquire about your Alexa rating. It's so useful to have a low Alexa rating in the minds of those who do not know these things that I even put a "Get the Free Alexa Toolbar" link on the site.

I totally agree. Alexa is such a waste IMO. On the other hand, I think Google is doing a good job getting their PR scale down at Alexa's level ;)

I totally agree. Alexa is such a waste IMO. On the other hand, I think Google is doing a good job getting their PR scale down at Alexa's level ;)

I know. Once the site went into the Top 100,000 just from me alone riding the Alexa toolbar like a witch on broom I laughed every time I thought about it.

Regarding PR, of course the first question an advertiser asks is what is your PR? Why? Because group think rules much on the Internet, and other webmasters are obsessed with their PR. It's just a little green bar, but the bigger it gets the more money they are willing to pay to appear on your site. With under 10,000 backlinks you're barely in the game.

The Google theory is that the more incoming links you have the better your site must be, as though some natural progression of thousands of other webmasters seeing your site is occuring, with them linking to you purely out of a service to their own visitors. The truth is that people cook them up themselves with sitewide footer link deals with webmasters higher up on the food chain and buy advertising themselves --- thus making a mockery of the theory. Just something you just have to do, though, or you don't get a place at the table except for something like "wireless guages". (I'm #1!)

So much is just playing the game.

Well what I was actually getting at is that Google has an internal pagerank algorithm based on backlinks. But the PR value that we see in the google toolbar is rarely updated and rarely accurate ... similar to Alexa ranking ;)

Well what I was actually getting at is that Google has an internal pagerank algorithm based on backlinks. But the PR value that we see in the google toolbar is rarely updated and rarely accurate ... similar to Alexa ranking ;)

oh snap!!;)

I have only heard negative things about Alexa rankings and how unreliable they are. Thus I opt to have less toolbar clutter and forget that it even exists!

anyone use this alexa's page ranking for seeing your sites performance?

i use alexa toolbar all the time to check out other sites' rankings. my site was originally ranked in the millions but then went into the 700,000's and now is in the 300,000's and moving up. by alexa's standards ur site isnt the best till its broken the top 100,000:)

Can you please give the detailed info how to improve the listing using Alexa Toolbar.

Can you please give the detailed info how to improve the listing using Alexa Toolbar.

See temi's post on page one of this thread. It's all you have to do, all you can do.

Rankings are fun and all but Alexa Surf has a powerful program that will get your stats really low. It's simular to an autosurf program exept they only allow Alexa users to surf, so you get high alexa rankings.

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