There has been word around the neighborhood that G is trying to prevent the selling of PR - but what exactly are they doing about the matter, or are they going to do in the future? Currently, some high PR pages which sell text links have their PR transferring power blocked. (example: PR9/10 page which doesn't show up as a backlink for any of the sponsors on the homepage) How drastically is this going to change the off-site SEO scene?

There has been word around the neighborhood that G is trying to prevent the selling of PR - but what exactly are they doing about the matter, or are they going to do in the future? Currently, some high PR pages which sell text links have their PR transferring power blocked. (example: PR9/10 page which doesn't show up as a backlink for any of the sponsors on the homepage) How drastically is this going to change the off-site SEO scene?

it looks like is passing pr to me, and it is showing up in sponsors backlinks. link:

phpBB does pass PR to links in the forums. However, it doesn't seem that they are doing so for the list of sponsors labeled "Helpful Resources" that show up on the homepage.

phpBB does pass PR to links in the forums.

ok? :confused: im not sure what that has to do with your first post. you were talking about the homepage before.

(example: PR9/10 page which doesn't show up as a backlink for any of the sponsors on the homepage)

These site all have phpbb showing up in there links.

and so does this site with is in the 'helpful resoureces' section.

Helpful resources

they arent blocked, maybe those other links are new, i have no idea.

But the phpBB homepage has very few links off of it - and it's fluctuating between PR9 and 10. Surely the links that appear on the page should be an automatic PR7 at least, no? I am pretty sure they've been there for months already.

i dont know what pr they should be, im just pointing out some sites are showing links from their homepage.


I am pretty sure they've been there for months already.

How are you 'pretty sure' they were there before? you saw them there months earlier?

I saw them there months earlier and I know Hostvoice has definitely been around for a pretty long while, but I see they're using a redirection for the link they have on phpBB so they don't count ;)

Google position on selling PR is pretty remarkable - considering that Google have effectively told the webmastering world that their websites have been assigned an arbitrary and very public value - but that these websites must never reference that value for marketing purposes!!

Sort of like 5 star hotels not being allowed to say they've been awarded 5 stars, even though the award body brochure says they have 5 stars.

In my opinion, it's simply a sign that Google are incapable of dealing with the magnitide of the effect they are having on the internet. Whilst that in itself may be understandable, trying to punish webmasters for being effected by it is simply wrong, in my opinion.

Hey there Brian! Nice to see you around here :)
Sooo .... guess google's just still learning? ;)

Nice to be here. :)

I don't think that Google ever really comprehended how to deal with it's success - but I suspect that downplaying PR in the rankings isn't just a way to negate Standford ownership of the PageRank algo, but also a way to limit the effects of text-link advertising. Certainly the sandbox seems to be a part of that as well.

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