I am Akanksha new to DENIWEB...seemed very interesting. I am here to discuss about the Google Hell...Supplemental index ratio.

It was earlier when google shows supplemental tags in SERPs, but now this is history....but is it really so. I am working on my site promotion work. The Supplemental index ratios for my site is 99.95 % :(

My site's page rank in google is 4..i am trying to improve page rank. Can anyone suggest me what strategy should i follow to do so.

Hi, welcome to DaniWeb!

If most of your pages are in the supplemental index, then my first guess would be that a lot of your pages are incredibly similar and don't have much unique content ... either similar to each other or similar to other sites around the web (such as duplicate content). Are either of these the case?

The ONLY way to increase your page rank is by getting incoming links (preferably one-way) to your website from lots of different domains.

well can you tell me various methods that i can use to get good incoming links....what is the procedure exactly... and in how many ways it can effect my site's status...

Contact the owners of websites that reach an audience similar to yours, but aren't your direct competition, and ask if they will link to you.

Another way is to write really good articles / tutorials, and encourage others to link to them, or submit them to news syndication or news mashup websites.

Ok.....Thanks for your suggestions means a lot to me...

I am SEO working in a MNC in India....Trying to establish myself in this field....

You're welcome. Good luck! What is an MNC?

You're welcome. Good luck! What is an MNC?

MNC stands for multinational company....

Suggestion for a good query to determine supplemental vs. main index ratio, oh our Queen? :)

No idea. Use Google Webmaster Tools. :)

Google no longer shows supplimental result.

Google Webmaster Tools is good.... also many people in Supplemental are using the same description for every page and in many cases the same title tags.... make sure each is unique... also do not have too much duplicated content on every page... except for navigation and footers etc

some time you may not have enough other content and the pages score high for duplication

How to get links you ask? Daniweb member Aaron Wall has a killer guide on his site titled: 101 Link Building Tips

I am Akanksha new to DENIWEB...seemed very interesting. I am here to discuss about the Google Hell...Supplemental index ratio.

It was earlier when google shows supplemental tags in SERPs, but now this is history....but is it really so. I am working on my site promotion work. The Supplemental index ratios for my site is 99.95 % :(

My site's page rank in google is 4..i am trying to improve page rank. Can anyone suggest me what strategy should i follow to do so.

check it http://www.thedownloadplanet.com/supplemental/

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