well I have 3 blogs both with no traffic at all only 2 people so far and they never use my search engines and click the ads but now they are gone although i do update my blog can someone help me take a look and tell me why I can;t get any traffic? and methods on how to get traffic? Just look at my signature those are my three blogs thanks hope you help me.

Promote it. Submit it to directories, do social bookmarkings and join some forums with your signature.

I agree with x3mario.

The look of your blog is not Good at all. There are many ambiguity over there. second post one time with proper information is good rather than add 3 to 5 post.

find keyword is searching by people from keyword tracker tool. use those keyword in your title and content. apply link building idea with keyword in anchore text.

I agree with x3mario, marketing is essential for your blog to grow its traffic. Spend 80% of your time on marketing and 20% of your time on posting quality post.

What are the best free places i can use for marketing any links?

Can you all rate my site also? I want to know what you guys think.

post your site details in social network sites and do forum hopping with your site as your signature

well I have 3 blogs both with no traffic at all only 2 people so far and they never use my search engines and click the ads but now they are gone although i do update my blog can someone help me take a look and tell me why I can;t get any traffic? and methods on how to get traffic? Just look at my signature those are my three blogs thanks hope you help me.

Do with do follow website submission and SMO submission you can get a lot traffic from them.

I found out that, actually, by DOING what other people say, you'll have a lot of traffic. You might say "Nah... Submitting 100 articles to 500 directories won't help me a lot" but it actually will! It's a hard work, but remember - no one has accomplished a lot without hard work.

Very good thread to know how to increase traffic to blog and site also.

Well anyone know any links To automatic submit to all Search Engines for free>

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