To those of you who own forums out there, what percentage of your site visitors are registered members? Do you do anything specific to increase signups?

To those of you who own forums out there, what percentage of your site visitors are registered members? Do you do anything specific to increase signups?

While I may not be able to share the exact conversion rate [It is quite high indeed] but one thing which really boosted our conversion rate was the Quick Register form on every page of our site :)

i have no clue what the % is but i would say maybe 30% or so but possibly more. and im not doing anything at all to get more at the moment. i havent had time to come up with new ideas on getting more users to signup

You can figure the % out if you have any kind of statistics tracker. First, just take a look at how many unique visitors you get per day. Then, if you use vBulletin, you can look at the statistics for how many members logged in each day :) Then just do some simple division. So Kyle, stop using Invision already hehehe ;)

Very less on both the forums, we have 450 members on one and 550 on another while we get 100 uniques on average daily on both the sites, The reason is that I havent really put much effort into any of them they have just grown, both are still in beta stages I am adding new features and stuff.

To those of you who own forums out there, what percentage of your site visitors are registered members? Do you do anything specific to increase signups?

well i dont see any at the moment not very much improvement

Its about 10% of unique visitors register in my new forum and only 1 new member out of 10 posts a message, i got 15 active members out of 140 and 10 -less active members who take part now and then!!

What is quick registering? I like that concept...


To those of you who own forums out there, what percentage of your site visitors are registered members? Do you do anything specific to increase signups?

All I do is send out an email every now and then and ask the members to bring their friends and then the forum gets bigger and better.

Good luck. Try bulk email. Never advertise on other ppl's forums because they can get awfully mad and crack the sads with you.
Trust me, I have had that experience.

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