hi dani,

awsome site!

what ad / banner managing software are you using for this site?

can your advertisers log in and upload their own banners etc or do you do it manually for them?

i noticed you use adsense and banners from large corporations. do you feel this provide better click through rates and revenue than advertising smaller companies?



what ad / banner managing software are you using for this site?


can your advertisers log in and upload their own banners etc or do you do it manually for them?


i noticed you use adsense and banners from large corporations. do you feel this provide better click through rates and revenue than advertising smaller companies?

That i'll leave for dani to answer :)

Good Luck! :)

hey pulse, thanks for the quick reply.

you do it manually for them????

hey pulse, thanks for the quick reply.

you do it manually for them????

You have an option in phpAdsNew to either allow advertisers to upload their own ads or you can also do it manually :)

Actually, DaniWeb stopped using phpAdsNew last month. We now use a robust, professional third party ad server called AdJuggler (www.adjuggler.com). I think the clickthru rate depends mostly on how targeted the ads are ;)

dani and pulse,

did you guys find encountered any problems with phpAdsNew that made you stop using it?

or did you find any weakneses?

dani and pulse,

did you guys find encountered any problems with phpAdsNew that made you stop using it?

or did you find any weakneses?

i still use it on my sites and am loving it! 2.0.2 is out ang a bug fix version 2.0.3 will be also in a few days!

I found it a good solution at first. However, with the amount of traffic DaniWeb now gets, I just don't find it as robust a solution as is available nowadays. It was a server hog and simply not as feature-rich as I would have liked.


I work for Thruport Technologies, the producers of AdJuggler and I would be more than happy to provide you with any information you might need on AdJuggler.

Let me know what I can do.


"can your advertisers log in and upload their own banners etc or do you do it manually for them?"


what version of phpadsnew did you use? the version i have (2.0.4-pr2) does not allow advertisers to upload their banners. actually some code that might allow it is commented "for now because of security reasons", but uncommenting doesnt help, there are probably other issues which i cant resolve.

please reply to my <email snipped> if you can. thanks

Ok Has anyone had any experience with AdMan - http://www.formfields.com/adManArea/ ? It seems to have some nice features and is not too expensive at $99/domain. I am not sure which is better between phpmyadsnew and this one but I tend to prefer retail software to open source when I am new to something simply for support issues.

What I am looking to do is build a niche job board site which will be free to use and generate revenue from ads (well that is the plan anyway). I want to be able to have ads targeted at the job categories so they are more relevant. For now, until I get more proficient with php/mysql I am going to be doing the processing of which ads to display on the job board side using probably an include with an associative array of category => invocation code pairs and simply passing the cat id to determine which banner to show. I know that AdMan does not support taking in a parameter and I am wondering if some of the other solutions do.

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