While at InternetWeekNY last week it was said that banner advertising is a dead issue and that studies show more than 50% of the people who go on-line experience 'banner blindness'.
But today I am looking at the results of the Search Engine Marketing and Online Display Advertising Integration Study (even the acronym would be to long so from here on in I will refer to it as the study), and it show quite different data. In fact, the study shows that 52% of people actively respond to display advertising with 31% clicking directly on the ad. I will assume the other 21% respond to the ads in other ways. So, with a third of the internet users clicking on the ads, it is safe to say that the banner ad part of an internet marketing campaign is alive and well.
The study also showed that 27% of the people surveyed said that after seeing the ad (and possibly clickin on it) they also searched actively in the engines for more info. So a relationship does exist between SEM and the thought-to-be-dead display ads. Taking into consideration these results, and I urge all who are interested in this to seek out the study and check it out for yourselves, will you advise your clients or your company that they perhaps need to revise their overall internet marketing strategies?