A popular option nowadays have been to include a facebook page and twitter account to promote your business. But the issue is, just because it exists does it means that one has to advertise there. I noticed so many accounts on Twitter that are business related but hardly have any Followers or much comments. What are your thoughts on this?

A popular option nowadays have been to include a facebook page and twitter account to promote your business. But the issue is, just because it exists does it means that one has to advertise there. I noticed so many accounts on Twitter that are business related but hardly have any Followers or much comments. What are your thoughts on this?

facebook is one of the best community site to promote your business online and also twitter. it get more traffic to your website, it's a good social networking website myspace also


You'll hardly get comments but still it help in visibility of your site.

In regards to traffic referred from a Facebook page/group, does anyone on this board have any traffic % change from referrals?

in many cases traffic form social media is useless) - no convert)

I'd have to disagree with loftiplamar, social media has brought my sites the most traffic. As long as you keep up with comments and 'tweets' you'll have thousands of followers in no time. You don't necessarily have to post newsworthy comments or tweets to keep people entertained just post anything, you'd be surprised of how many people follow me because I posted a lyric from Journey that was stuck in my head.

So with having a business social media account, it is important to humanize it with non-business information. Thus, it may be this "humanizing" element that enables connection with your Followers.

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