As we all know, social media sites provide great opportunity for free web traffic.
I would like to hear your success stories with various sites.
Here are the questions that would be interesting to get answers for.

- what 3 social networking sites generates most traffic for your business (please in order of performance)?
- how much traffic each of them dries to you per month?
- what tips and tricks can you share to maximize the traffic from those sites? (please provide as many details as you can)

If you are interested our CEO can cover the most successful cases on our blog (free PR for you as a marketing pro).

Facebook is a good social media marketing website. Also Youtube and various others.

Stumble is good site for us because we can send our page to our friends

There are many good social networking sites out there from where you can get good amount of traffic but you need to understand how specific network work? You should also spare your time to get involved and develop new connection on regular basis.

yes It's a Most Popular website for get Traffic -,,,,,,

Social media marketing sites are the new destinations for getting traffic. Millions of people are using social media sites today to find information regarding a particular topic or news etc.

The most popular and traffic infested ones like,,,,,,, etc...

Guys, thank you very much for your comments. But could you please be more specific and try to follow questions I suggested us to cover? Otherwise it's a;; basic information that we all know and the thread will be of no value to its readers.

Once gain:
Here are the questions that would be interesting to get answers for.

- what 3 social networking sites generates most traffic for YOUR particular business (please in order of performance)?

- how much traffic each of them dries to you per month?

- what tips and tricks can you share to maximize the traffic from those sites? (please provide as many details as you can)

Thank you for sharing.

Here are the questions that would be interesting to get answers for.

- what 3 social networking sites generates most traffic for YOUR particular business (please in order of performance)?

1. LinkedIn, a Meetup bullentin board, and a Google Group (tech related).

- how much traffic each of them dries to you per month?

It depends, I can have as much as 750 uniques to as little as 100 per month. It depends with how much plugging I do on the above mentioned sites.

- what tips and tricks can you share to maximize the traffic from those sites? (please provide as many details as you can)

Constantly post something from the perspective from the visitor and not from the perspective it can help my business

Important to limit your time and focus on a few. For us:

Priority One - Have a good blog. Good content. Good value for our customers. And hopefully generates inbound links naturally.

Priority Two - We have a good Facebook page, and are developing a good fan base.

Priority Three - Just really starting to utilize Twitter and developing a following.

Priority Four - Diving into social bookmarking, but mostly for backlinks.

Social networking sites like facebook, twitter, myspace, and multiply helps generate traffic on your site/blog.. But of course you have to get more followers and invite more friends to achieve the amount of traffic you want..

Facebook StumbleUpon Digg
my top three :D

Facebook, myspace and twitter work well as social media marketing....these are hot techniques of marketing now.

I track my social bookmarking pretty effectively in my opinion. Here is what I do: First I set up a folder in my favorites just for social bookmarking website's. Secondly I search the internet to find over 100 bookmarking sites. Then I submit a new link once a week every week to all of the websites in that folder. Over time this increases my link popularity as well as increasing visitors through clicking on the links. It also provides me a easy, quick, and cheap form of advertising. Over time this yields unbelievable results.

That is a very good post - thank you. The common thread here is that you constantly have to contribute in order to receive.

i agree - nice post and method mickeyy.

Yes you are right social media optimization is very effective and free way to attract more traffic...twitter, facebook and mypace are best make attractive profile on them.... bookmarking and blooging is also effective..
Now a days twitter and facebook is first choice to promote business...
{snip, snip}

Social bookmarking can be good to an extent, if you have power users on your side on sites like Propeller, Delicious, Reddit, StumbleUpon and Digg.

Facebook and twitter generate the most traffic for me.

3 social media what works for me,
Twitter-10k follower and 9k following,drive arround 100 visitor/day for 24 update daily
facebook-5k follower .drive 50-100 follower,local visitor.
the last one is scribd,works well with at least 5 updated docs daily

depends what u want to advertise. those social netorks i bealieve don't bring targeted traffic!

I think that my social/business networks drive much better quality traffic, although the sheer numbers go to facebook. I have given up on twitter altoghether, just was not seeing anything meaningful coming from my posts. Maybe they were not quality posts, I don't know, but I would rather take the time and put it into the many start up networks that crop up every week.

We can use Face book for social media focusing, Face book let us to focus regional wise traffic.

Social Media is a social platform which really helps for branding and promotion of any product or service. Optimizing social media is the way to grow your business and get new clients today in internet marketing.

Social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. are the newest way to get traffic as well as to grow your business online.

I noticed that hardly anyone here mentions Myspace anymore. A few years ago, Myspace was all the rave. So yes, social media is here to stay, but the particular site is another question.

Social sites are informal in nature and can get uncontrollable. But a good internet marketer can use these websites for socializing as well as for subsequent marketing. When making use of many of the social media sites, well spelt-out objectives have to be put in place in order to build a successful business on the internet.

I believe in working with QA sites and facebook. It drives targeted traffic for me.

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