Hi there,

I really need some suggestions to promote an online forum related to webmaster community.

I want to drive at least 1000-2000 visitirors daily.

Can any expert tell me please how to promote a Webmaster Forum.

Secondly, I also need some good open source scripts to use for forum.

Any help will be appreciated.


thats a huge huge visitor you are looking for from the scratch. For this you have to do your SEO work very and have to add lots and lots of valueable, informative and unique content to your forum to get traffic from SE.
You will need some extrahands to promote your site, as the aim is quite high.

So what kind of script you are looking for theme?

I am assuming that your eventual goal is 1000-2000 visitors daily and not what you expect immeadiately. As Articlemaster9 said, SEO is big part of it as well as informative and compelling content. Another way to promote it is by going into other forums and talking it up. Also, if you have a marketing budget you may want to dedicate some of those funds to a Google Adwords campaign. Also, if you have not already, set up a profile on Linkedin and they search their groups for ones that would be interested in what you are offering. Join the groups and start participating in discussions and promote your URL in your responses.


Is there any one who can help in Increasing Page Rank from 3 to 5. I have a time of 1 month as a part of my marketing strategy.

reply awaited.

John Paul

Hi John,

Seeing results for SEO tactics takes some time and constant monitoring and tweeking, thus, I recommend you to look at which areas of SEO your site can immediately modify and implement them. Thus, the next time Google spiders crawl your site, it may improve your site's PageRank.

There are many webmaster forums and its very hard to come up with the comptitation.. but anyway first is a vbulletin script..to keep a trust for members that u can afford to pay for site promotion.. then some social bookmarking... article writting.. and join all webmaster forums and post quality post with ur sugnature.. if u are good at posting members from other forums will come to your forum.. and make it unique.. make it different from other forums.. go to other forums see... forum suggestions what peoles are suggesting in other forums then add those features to your forum..

Can Any one suggest what i can improve in these website (http://www.primetechsoftware.com) as PR is been 3 only for quite a long time.

Can som also provide good & traffic oriented article directories where i can submit the articles & drive traffic towards my website.

awaitig reply.

John Paul
Primetech Software

For your type of business, I strongly recommend creating that offline connection and amplifying your business development angle at internet marketing/startup/business meetups and networking events.

Thanks, For your help.

Will take care on same.


John Paul

Doing Off-Page Optimization would be the best thing. Its all about building links. Off-Page Optimization deals with getting quality of back links. Here are some of the strategies that helps you get tons of quality back links:
- article submissions
- blog commenting
- classified ads
- directory submissions
- forum posting
- link exchange
- press release
- online groups
- social media and networking
- social bookmarking

Thanks for the tips and link....this is what I needed too.

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