Is there a time when the social media activitied of the parent company would mesh with social media activities of their affiliates? I think it is a case of striking the proper balance but I could be missing something.

Social Media Traffic helps in terms of getting you more of an audience to make sales to.The key with Social Media Traffic, is building trust and relationships. You have to be part of a cool, informative valuable conversation with the customer to get the sale.
Making more better conversions depends upon your sales process. To make better conversions, you should split test parts of your sales process and use the additional traffic from social media to assist you.You may even want to consider making special offers specifically to the different social media sites. Example: "This is an exclusive offer only for My space Members."Social Media Traffic give the affiliate marketer more choices and more opportunities.


Social Media Traffic helps in terms of getting you more of an audience to make sales to.The key with Social Media Traffic, is building trust and relationships. You have to be part of a cool, informative valuable conversation with the customer to get the sale.
Making more better conversions depends upon your sales process. To make better conversions, you should split test parts of your sales process and use the additional traffic from social media to assist you.You may even want to consider making special offers specifically to the different social media sites. Example: "This is an exclusive offer only for My space Members."Social Media Traffic give the affiliate marketer more choices and more opportunities.


Thanks for the feedback but I think that we are talking about different types of affilates. I am talking about a model where a manufacturer (lets say of a software application as that is a good one for this purpose) and they have channels of Value Added Resellers, System Integrators and retail distributors. The members of the three channels are the affiliates I am talking about.

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