I am always on the lookout for resources to strengthen my knowledge and understanding of this ever changing online landscape. I do have my list of blogs I visit often like Mashable and CNET but I wonder if anyone else have other "hidden gems". Thanks

I am always on the lookout for resources to strengthen my knowledge and understanding of this ever changing online landscape. I do have my list of blogs I visit often like Mashable and CNET but I wonder if anyone else have other "hidden gems". Thanks

There are quite a few groups in linkedin that are very good. There is web 2.0, social media mafia, social media today, etc. Some are even creating sub-groups based on geographic locations.

There are many of them. Just use google...

There are many of them. Just use google...

I did some checking in Linkedin and I found two groups that look promising. They are Social Media Marketing Mavens and Social Network & Community Creators.

There is also Online Community and Social Media Managers.

Another one I belong to through linkedin it Social Media Mafia, and they have grown so much they just launched their own networking portal. You might want to check them out.

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