Mashable is reporting that Google Labs has just released their latest experimental utility, Google Listen. It an audio search engine (running as a Google Android app for the time being) that allows users to stream or download podcasts, web audio, news shows and others to phones.

Does anyone think that this will cause new use of podcasts to reach online community members? I would definitely give it a shot.

I think so. Imagine the SEO potential power this represents. This would be great also if it can be extended towards online video analytics.

I think so. Imagine the SEO potential power this represents. This would be great also if it can be extended towards online video analytics.

The potential for businesses that have the need to report changes in their area of expertise on a regular basis (every few minutes or multiple times during the day) like investment firms, real estate agents and travel agencies. I wonder if this could lead to Twitter Audio.

There is already a third party program called TweetMic - but I wonder if it will gain widespread engagement

It will probably do OK for a while until someone steps in and creates a separate entity. That someone could be Twitter because if you look at Woofer it looks oddly similar to Twitter. They way there page is an homage to Twitter but you can never tell what people will do for publicity

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