WebProNews reported on Friday (link below) that Twitter was going to be launching a feature that makes the service location aware. Basically, you can choose to have your tweets mapped by longitude and latitude. The possible benefits seem to be twofold. Initially, as a follower you can choose to follow tweets based on location making the information you find more usable for whatever purposes you may need. Second, the potential for companies that tweet as part of their marketing communications campaign to target their tweets geographically to take advantage of rich target markets has to be considered a next logical step. Read the piece and share your thoughts.


This application would be extremely useful for local restaurants and professional services. I am just wondering what can of worms will it open with such expanded capabilities?

I had mentioned in another thread about some states using social networks to track down tax cheats. Could using this to track down deadbeat dads and sexual predators be a reasonable jump to make?

Well, if it would be used for that purpose, I betcha many ex-wives (and potentially future wives as well) and children will appreciate it. It sure is better that the subway "DeadBeat Dad Picture" campaign I saw in the Bostonian trains a decade ago.

Well, if it would be used for that purpose, I betcha many ex-wives (and potentially future wives as well) and children will appreciate it. It sure is better that the subway "DeadBeat Dad Picture" campaign I saw in the Bostonian trains a decade ago.

I agree that tracking down the losers I mentioned would be a good thing but what would be the next allowable step. What if you tweet your opinion about something in politics and people who have an opposing view use the info to harass you at your house. Also, what is to stop a government agency from doing the same in countries with non-democratic governments. There is a fine line between acting for the public good and Big Brother (of course, I am talking the agency from 1984 and not the horrible reality show).

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