This is just plain scary. This is the type of action being proposed by Washington that all on-line communities should be joining together to raise our voices against it.

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We already have this for Radio and's called the Emergency Alert System.

I just read this now. *sigh* Yeah. It's like everything everywhere is utterly going to be monitored and controlled.

We already have this for Radio and's called the Emergency Alert System.

there is a huge difference between the EAS of old and this. The president, at the flip of a switch can take over the internet. Additionally, if you are a tech company and your business is deemed important for national security this bill give the goverment and the president the right to tell you who you can hire, who you should fire, what you can tell your employees, etc. Read the whole story. The old EAS was a way to alert people of emergency and informed them what that emergency was. This bill gives the President unfettered control of the internet and companies deemed important without announcing the reason why.

This is insane...I do not agree with granting anyone absolute power over anything. ie the federal reserve having absolute power over our currency in America...and who is the one pushing for this Rockefeller...Contact your senators and voice your opinions! I can not express how important this is...They work for us! If you are not aware of who your senators are here is a list by state... Voice your opinion!!!

Thanks Marketing Rob for bringing this issue up. I am surprised that I have not seen much commentary about this on the multiple tech scene groups/message boards I belong to. I can be devil's advocate and say that this is no similar to the law that stated that the government can takeover private property for the sake of the government. Also, with the amount of personal data that Google collects on users, there is no such thing as privacy anymore.

Thanks Marketing Rob for bringing this issue up. I am surprised that I have not seen much commentary about this on the multiple tech scene groups/message boards I belong to. I can be devil's advocate and say that this is no similar to the law that stated that the government can takeover private property for the sake of the government. Also, with the amount of personal data that Google collects on users, there is no such thing as privacy anymore.

Sadly, the area of the tech scene that would talk about things like this are similar to many in the media when it comes to politics. If they support the person doing the questionable activity it is OK with them but when the other side does it is Lexington and Concord all over again. It would seem that the first victim of ideology is objectivity.

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