I know that as internet marketers, we are very aware of how pervasive social media is in today's society. However, there are situations where it is better to be offline than online, especially if its a life or death situation. Thus, when I read news clips like this one on mashable: http://mashable.com/2009/09/07/trapped-girls-facebook/ it makes me think twice. It is like people returning each other's calls with text messages instead.

You may find this surprising, but people probably get responses quicker via social networks than 911 in towns like Sacramento where they take about an hour to answer a call.

I don't know what is more frightening, the original story or the report about 911 response times in Sacramento.

We are raising (and electing) generations of idiots and shut-ins who think that a relationship is typing on a keyboard.

My daughter watches the show 'iCarly' and there was an episode where the main character's brother was competing against someone else on an arcade game and it was being covered by a Gamer tv channel. A secondary character yelled into the camera "Get up you losers, go for a walk, kiss a girl, get a life!" A funny moment and a sad statement on our current society.

I think if we are in the emergency situation, I rather call 911 rather using the Facebook. We all know that Facebook is a social network on which we can use for emergency purpose or for personal use.? Agree?

If I was in an emergency, I would definitely call 911 (if in Sacramento - though I wonder). I would save my precious minutes on my cell phone making urgent calls than logging on to Facebook and updating my status. Though, on the other side of the coin, look at what happened in Iran. It was the Twitter updates that help post other countries what was going on.
But it was more for reporting rather than asking for immediate help.

If I was in an emergency, I would definitely call 911 (if in Sacramento - though I wonder). I would save my precious minutes on my cell phone making urgent calls than logging on to Facebook and updating my status. Though, on the other side of the coin, look at what happened in Iran. It was the Twitter updates that help post other countries what was going on.
But it was more for reporting rather than asking for immediate help.

I haven't lived in sac town for years so the system may have gotten better or worse-- I hate to say it but I'm betting it got worse since the chief of police announced he gave up against the gangs a couple years back.

What is funny is this reminded me of something that happened with my daughter a few months ago. We were watching TV and there was an iPhone commercial and in it the announcer said, "Lost, there's an app for that' and they showed the iPhone with a compass app. My 12 year old daughter turned to me and said, "if you are lost and you have an iPhone why wouldn't you call for help?"

I laughed until I realized that there are some people out there who are so into their gadgets (which I consider Facebook and Twitter to be gadgets) that they totally miss the obvious solution.

What is funny is this reminded me of something that happened with my daughter a few months ago. We were watching TV and there was an iPhone commercial and in it the announcer said, "Lost, there's an app for that' and they showed the iPhone with a compass app. My 12 year old daughter turned to me and said, "if you are lost and you have an iPhone why wouldn't you call for help?"

I laughed until I realized that there are some people out there who are so into their gadgets (which I consider Facebook and Twitter to be gadgets) that they totally miss the obvious solution.

That is interesting, I think you may find this interesting though. I go out to the desert frequently. Well I've experienced that sometimes I can't send out a phone call but I can send out texts and sometimes get on the net. I think that being able to text for help to a service like 911 would be really useful for people who end up in areas where all they can send is a text. I'm not sure why texts and internet work when phone calls won't. I am not saying that you should post on your Facebook if your in an emergency you should most definitely call for help but I can also see where you can only send out a text or get to Facebook.

That is interesting, I think you may find this interesting though. I go out to the desert frequently. Well I've experienced that sometimes I can't send out a phone call but I can send out texts and sometimes get on the net. I think that being able to text for help to a service like 911 would be really useful for people who end up in areas where all they can send is a text. I'm not sure why texts and internet work when phone calls won't. I am not saying that you should post on your Facebook if your in an emergency you should most definitely call for help but I can also see where you can only send out a text or get to Facebook.

Agreed. Basically, use what is available to you to get help but choose based on logic and not on trends.

commented: Good posts on this thread. +2

I just hope most people remember that logic and not first "tweet" about it and lose precious life saving moments. It brings back memories about how a staff member who found Heath Ledger decided to call one of the Olsen twins rather than call 911. Who knows if that decision could have changed the outcome of this story...

I just hope most people remember that logic and not first "tweet" about it and lose precious life saving moments. It brings back memories about how a staff member who found Heath Ledger decided to call one of the Olsen twins rather than call 911. Who knows if that decision could have changed the outcome of this story...

The flip side of the Heath Ledger story is the one about the actress (can't remember her name, does a lot of indie films) who caused a car accident in Florida and said to the police officer who arrived on the scene, "I am an actress, can I call me my agent?"

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