As creators and managers of online communities, we need to be ever vigilant to protect the integrity of that which we create. Here is a prime example why. The link below is to a story on FoxNews about the Secret Service actively monitoring Facebook because some loser posted a poll asking if the president should be assassinated. Fortunately, Facebook is big enough and has the resources to eject this pinhead and take steps to make sure that polls, quizes and other member generated content does not allow for this. For those of without such resources, something like this could doom an online community. Any comments and input is welcome.,2933,556722,00.html

I actually commented to a similar post on Daniweb a moment ago. But my point is that most businesses and users want to leverage the good and business driving power of social media. But like anything good, if taken by excesses, good can become very ugly. It is also sad that the action of one impacts, in this case, millions.

I actually commented to a similar post on Daniweb a moment ago. But my point is that most businesses and users want to leverage the good and business driving power of social media. But like anything good, if taken by excesses, good can become very ugly. It is also sad that the action of one impacts, in this case, millions.

I read that before Facebook took it down over 700 people answered the poll. I am not certain what the mix of answers was but I am glad that out of all of the FB universe only 700+ actually gave it the time of day. I wonder what the numbers would have been like if this was put up on myspace.

Oh Myspace... Myspace may have actually attracted a higher response rate due to its demographics. I have not even visited myspace for eons.

Oh Myspace... Myspace may have actually attracted a higher response rate due to its demographics. I have not even visited myspace for eons.

I am fortunate that I did not get involved in social media until after MySpace had begun to be viewed as a cesspool.

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