It seems the FTC has issues new regs covering the review of products by bloggers. Below is the link to the Yahoo news piece on this. Basically, under the new regs, bloggers who are reviewing products have to disclose if they are paid in cash, gifts or freebies for their reviews.
Many on this forum have discussed this type of blogging in terms of transparency and honesty. Obviously, these regs will make it easier for consumers reading such reviews to understand where reviews may be skewed. Additionally, this will cut down on the number of review opportunities that are available. Does anyone else see any other pros or cons to these new regs?
Having worked for a tech publication back in 2001-2002 where my colleagues and I reviewed products and most times were allowed to keep the products we reviewed under the guise of using them as test platforms for the review of other products. Speaking for myself and my former colleagues, we never were required to disclose such arrangements but we were also advised by our bosses that if we did anything to threaten the integrity of the publication and the parent company we would lose our jobs. I believe this is true of most if not all of the major tech pubs and websites that offer reviews.