As we all know DaniWeb has a new look and feel and I like it. It also allows users to include tags on post and responses. From a SEO perspective, tagging helps content be crawled by engines. But how many of us actually tag content outside this site?

As we all know DaniWeb has a new look and feel and I like it. It also allows users to include tags on post and responses. From a SEO perspective, tagging helps content be crawled by engines. But how many of us actually tag content outside this site?

Initially I did not but the SEO value to the sites and blogs I was working on was to great to pass up so now every site or blog I work has tags and most have the obligatory tag cloud.

i alway use tags to help me get google's attention:)

In some cases, the tags are just as important as the content they relate to in terms of Google.

Tagging not only helps Search Engines crawl your site but it is really meant for helping users find the information they seek. I use tags on just about every program or interface that enables them... For example, CentralDesktop, Salesforce, Delicious, Twitter (#Hashtags), Flickr..

Tagging not only helps Search Engines crawl your site but it is really meant for helping users find the information they seek. I use tags on just about every program or interface that enables them... For example, CentralDesktop, Salesforce, Delicious, Twitter (#Hashtags), Flickr..

Good point about he HashTags on Twitter. I wonder if most people associate the HashTags with tags on a regular website or blog.

I personally did not associate tags with hashtags but it makes perfect sense. Tags are a modern day post-it on digital content.

I personally did not associate tags with hashtags but it makes perfect sense. Tags are a modern day post-it on digital content.

I have been using the hashtags intermittently (more on my personal account than my professional one) and I find that they not only help the search engines but they also help me to engage certain communities easier. Anyone else agree?

Determining the perfect hashtag is like creating the perfect title for a blog post. Twitter trending topics, search and related applications thrive on these hashtags, as they serve as noted keywords in the sea of tweets going through the microblogging platform.

Determining the perfect hashtag is like creating the perfect title for a blog post. Twitter trending topics, search and related applications thrive on these hashtags, as they serve as noted keywords in the sea of tweets going through the microblogging platform.

True, it is like establishing the perfect URL for your website. The more unique and indicative of your business the more searchable and memorable it becomes.

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