With all the changes constantly going on, I would not be surprised that in a few years from now or even months, it will be common place to go to a major search engine and see a little icon next to the search signaling me if its positive, negative, or neutral. There are already a few sentiment analysis tools out there but its not in the masses yet. So if you have used such tools, like Radian6, what do you think about it? Do you think you can actually sentimentalize social media?

Regarding your question to people who have used Radian6 & what they think about it. This link might help you find such folks and their comments about the product & company http://bit.ly/Feedback

I hope that helps.

With all the changes constantly going on, I would not be surprised that in a few years from now or even months, it will be common place to go to a major search engine and see a little icon next to the search signaling me if its positive, negative, or neutral. There are already a few sentiment analysis tools out there but its not in the masses yet. So if you have used such tools, like Radian6, what do you think about it? Do you think you can actually sentimentalize social media?

I personally have used Radian6 and though I found it useful for one brand, for another one, I found lots of clutter and I did not find any major influencers or sites to monitor from one of the detailed list or list of influencers.

I think the particular question was about sentiment within such a tool. I like the idea that you suggest that there will be a sentiment feature next to many posts (like Facebook has the "likes" feature now), but it will all still be subjective. I like the quote from this video on a blog post from Jason Falls, "Humans are wrong 85-90%". http://bit.ly/3IvXRO

Bottom line, in my opinion, you can sentimentalize social media but it must be done manually.....and there still be error.

Michael Fraietta

With all the changes constantly going on, I would not be surprised that in a few years from now or even months, it will be common place to go to a major search engine and see a little icon next to the search signaling me if its positive, negative, or neutral. There are already a few sentiment analysis tools out there but its not in the masses yet. So if you have used such tools, like Radian6, what do you think about it? Do you think you can actually sentimentalize social media?

I think the particular question was about sentiment within such a tool. I like the idea that you suggest that there will be a sentiment feature next to many posts (like Facebook has the "likes" feature now), but it will all still be subjective. I like the quote from this video on a blog post from Jason Falls, "Humans are wrong 85-90%". http://bit.ly/3IvXRO

Bottom line, in my opinion, you can sentimentalize social media but it must be done manually.....and there still be error.

Michael Fraietta

I agree in regards to the subjective nature of these types of rankings. On a personal note, I don't pay much attention to the little Like/Dislike ratings in Facebook and I would probably disregard them in other apps also.

I have done manual qualitative assessment of sentiments on social media and used those tools. What I have is that using one tool alone is not enough. Even the best tools are not 100% accurate and may take one word and misinterpret the meanings. Thus, until that time comes when tools are more precise, it is necessary to use both.

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