On my site I provide users the ability to share content on Social Networking Sites and I advertise this in the following order:

Facebook (14,364)
MySpace (100)
Twitter (69)
Digg (1,037)
StumbleUpon (6,102)
Reddit (48)
Delicious (6)

The numbers in parentheses are the amount of traffic I got from each site over the past 30 days. I get great traffic from Facebook, Stumbleupon, and Digg, but virtually nothing from the remaining. Is it worth ditching sites like myspace, twitter, reddit, and delicious, and advertising the rest more prominently?? What sites do you think are the most important to target?

Furthermore, although I do well with StumbleUpon, I feel the majority of their traffic is driven from their toolbar, so I'm not sure it's worth advertising it. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. For a better understanding you can visit my site by adding a ".net" after my username.


Did you track your content being shared on those sites? How much amount of traffic it yield? IMO, if users are not using them it is just useless.
I have checked your site and find you're passing link juice to those sites, I would suggest you to make the outgoing links nofollow.

Did you track your content being shared on those sites? How much amount of traffic it yield? IMO, if users are not using them it is just useless.
I have checked your site and find you're passing link juice to those sites, I would suggest you to make the outgoing links nofollow.

I'm confused by your first 2 questions. My above post displays the amount of traffic each source yielded. How does passing "link juice" to Social Networking sites have any negative impact for me?

Any traffic is better than no traffic. So I suggest you just keep consistent and diverisfing. Do not limit your options or underestimate any resource!

But the traffic from social networking websites are not prominent... the traffic is instant type.

That's only temporary though. Now you must try to maintain that traffic or improve it.

On my site I provide users the ability to share content on Social Networking Sites and I advertise this in the following order:

Facebook (14,364)
MySpace (100)
Twitter (69)
Digg (1,037)
StumbleUpon (6,102)
Reddit (48)
Delicious (6)

The numbers in parentheses are the amount of traffic I got from each site over the past 30 days. I get great traffic from Facebook, Stumbleupon, and Digg, but virtually nothing from the remaining. Is it worth ditching sites like myspace, twitter, reddit, and delicious, and advertising the rest more prominently?? What sites do you think are the most important to target?

Furthermore, although I do well with StumbleUpon, I feel the majority of their traffic is driven from their toolbar, so I'm not sure it's worth advertising it. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. For a better understanding you can visit my site by adding a ".net" after my username.


Do you want me to trust this statistics?
I'm a regular user of Reddit, and for a less than average submission I receive 200+ unique visitors in less than 60 minutes, how its possible that you got only 60 hits in 30 days???
Anyway you had good traffic, keep it up. Social bookmarking traffic is useless, as they are instant, die after a few minutes and never convert. Social networks like Facebook & Myspace are much better for long term & quality traffic.

I am missing this completely. Are you allowing visitors to share your content on these other sites, or have you posted other content on these sites, and getting referral visits?

Do you want me to trust this statistics?
I'm a regular user of Reddit, and for a less than average submission I receive 200+ unique visitors in less than 60 minutes, how its possible that you got only 60 hits in 30 days???
Anyway you had good traffic, keep it up. Social bookmarking traffic is useless, as they are instant, die after a few minutes and never convert. Social networks like Facebook & Myspace are much better for long term & quality traffic.

LOL, I'm not making up these statistics. Actually in the past 30 days I've had 737,371 visits to the site - only 27 from Reddit!?! Can you try sharing something from the site on Reddit and see if the results are better? I don't understand how you get such great traffic from it?!?

I am missing this completely. Are you allowing visitors to share your content on these other sites, or have you posted other content on these sites, and getting referral visits?

Visitors to the site share the content and that is where the visits are coming from. Each game/video page has links to these sites that allow you to share..

On my site I provide users the ability to share content on Social Networking Sites and I advertise this in the following order:

Facebook (14,364)
MySpace (100)
Twitter (69)
Digg (1,037)
StumbleUpon (6,102)
Reddit (48)
Delicious (6)

The numbers in parentheses are the amount of traffic I got from each site over the past 30 days. I get great traffic from Facebook, Stumbleupon, and Digg, but virtually nothing from the remaining. Is it worth ditching sites like myspace, twitter, reddit, and delicious, and advertising the rest more prominently?? What sites do you think are the most important to target?

Furthermore, although I do well with StumbleUpon, I feel the majority of their traffic is driven from their toolbar, so I'm not sure it's worth advertising it. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. For a better understanding you can visit my site by adding a ".net" after my username.


How do you get so many visitors from these sites? I am really very interested to know how do u get the traffic. 14000 real visits from FaceBook is not a matter of joke. I know it. But how ?

How do you get so many visitors from these sites? I am really very interested to know how do u get the traffic. 14000 real visits from FaceBook is not a matter of joke. I know it. But how ?

I'll tell you if you can hook me up with some Track Lighting...

JK - Have you created a Facebook Fan Page? I have over 820 Facebook Fans and my fanpage helps me communicate new content to them and generates a lot of traffic. I recommend that approach...

How do you attract people to the facebook fan page ?
Also, can you use that for affiliate marketing, or only if you have your own product ?


I just want to know about the percentage of bounce rate for each of the bookmarking sites. This way you can calculate which bookmarking site is working well for the website.


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