i wish to add a forum to my website but i have no idea on how to do this. can anybody offer me any advise? thanks

if you are looking for a free forum try phpbb. if you want to pay for a professional forum try vBulletin. both come with instructions on installing and setting up.

See if your host has Fantastico, that's the easiest way to install phpBB for new webmasters.

Fantastico is actually VPS software, to the best of my knowledge. I think what would make more sense is maybe cPanel or Plesk coming with one-click install forum software?

many shared hosts have fantastico in their cpanel.

Really? Didn't know that. Unless the shared hosts are just VPS accounts from somewhere else?

Sorry to stray off course. You're going to need to find yourself a shared hosting provider with php and MySQL capabilities. Then, check out www.phpbb.com :)

I just got my phpBBB configured to look like my site. If you would like to take a look the address is << url snipped to comply with forum policy >>

It wasn't the most difficult thing in the world. It would have been easier if the background of my site wasn't so dark because black text on black doesn't work so well. The skin for the Forum has a lot of the text from the posts and outside the post areas set to the same CSS name. I had to find all the text in all the files that were black on black and create a new CSS name.

Estimated time to completion....6hrs.

Good luck, let me know you link if you go with a phpBB


I just got my phpBBB configured to look like my site. If you would like to take a look the address is << url snipped to comply with forum policy >>

It wasn't the most difficult thing in the world. It would have been easier if the background of my site wasn't so dark because black text on black doesn't work so well. The skin for the Forum has a lot of the text from the posts and outside the post areas set to the same CSS name. I had to find all the text in all the files that were black on black and create a new CSS name.

Estimated time to completion....6hrs.

Good luck, let me know you link if you go with a phpBB


Well i just noticed your forums, you have made some customisation there, just for info, there are lots of phpBB skins available you may use them if want too...

as for the dark (black color) theme i recommend smartDark Style by smartor

many shared hosts have fantastico in their cpanel.

Most of the better shared hosts Ive seen do this.

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