Yes, there are countless number of social media tools but none were able to give me just the answer to:
1. how many threads on "topic a"
2. how many original posts on topic a?
3. how many responses on topic a?

Perhaps Radian6 can give me these metrics but I used other tools and it did not. It gives me an arbitrary score but it means nothing outside that tool. Does anyone know of any tool that can easily gives these metrics?

Sadly, simplicity is viewed as valueless. Software manufacturers build products with more bells and whistles than anyone really uses. The only simple tools I have seen were the ones that were homemade by good programmers who have gotten fed up with what is available.

But we can dream and hope for a simple tool, can't we?

Yes, Radian6 can provide those metrics. You can measure:
- number of original posts which mention topic A
- number of replies (responses) which mention topic A
- the total number of threads where topic A is mentioned (whether the mention is in the original post or in the reply).
- Also, for each original post where topic A is mentioned, the system also displays a total Forum Thread Size (giving you a sense of the size of each thread where topic A is mentioned). You can also sort all content by this metric (displaying the largest threads first, etc.)
- you can also get a Unique Source count, counting sources where there are posts or replies containing topic A

If you need more info or what to take a look at how to do this, please give us a call (see: ) or contact us at

I hope this helps with your question. Cheers!

Yes, there are countless number of social media tools but none were able to give me just the answer to:
1. how many threads on "topic a"
2. how many original posts on topic a?
3. how many responses on topic a?

Perhaps Radian6 can give me these metrics but I used other tools and it did not. It gives me an arbitrary score but it means nothing outside that tool. Does anyone know of any tool that can easily gives these metrics?

You know what, after I must have checked out at least 2 dozen social media monitoring tools, Radian6 might be the best thing out there afterall....

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