In today's age, it is important to secure your online presence by getting your name as a domain. It does not matter if you are not a celebrity - I do believe you should play it safe and buy your domain and also pay extra to get the private listing option. I took this option and I recommend all do to so as well.

Funny you say this.. i just had to renew the registration on my name domain. :)

I wonder though - how does this safegaurd my presence? Are you suggesting that someone could buy someone else's name and defame them on the web?

Very much so, Jay. You never know when you become well known or someone who shares your own name have a life that you dont have/or want, this way, you can prevent that person from getting a site and becoming searchable.

Very much so, Jay. You never know when you become well known or someone who shares your own name have a life that you dont have/or want, this way, you can prevent that person from getting a site and becoming searchable.

Ah true... didn't think of it that way :)

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