I am trying to access how social media is used for work purposes other than doing a Facebook Fan outreach. I personally use social media to conduct a manual qualitative assessment on consumers' attitudes and behavior towards a particular treatment or condition. What about you?

We also use it to track this word-of-mouth buzz.

I mainly use social media to create site branding and word of mouth. I know a lot of people refer to the use of social sites as part of an SEO strategy, yet I do not see that way. One must have a strategy in order to make proper use of these sites. I strongly believe that the great majority of the people there are there for one thing, SOCIALIZING. SO, in order not to get enthralled in the hanging out frenzy, I strategically decide what I will use these sites for.

We use social media sites in promoting and creating one way links to the site. And so far it is working well.

If you consider Facebook and linkedin in these sites you can search job. ibibo also provides this facility.

We use these sites to post news and specials for our company. They are great ways to keep our clients up-to-date on new company developments and to keep our company name present in their minds.

I am into Internet marketing, so social media is in my day to day life to promote and market my products on online.

I think one of the best ways businesses can use social media for branding and creating word of mouth and this is what I try to do.

Optimizing social media is the newest way to grow your business and get new clients today, but if you don't know how to use websites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to get clients, then you have to learn more about this newest trend in internet marking. You can promote your products and services in a different way because people like using social media. Initially start connecting with people interact with them on a daily basis and then try to tell them about your product or service you offer. But there should be certain times when you write about your business otherwise you can loose your clients.

So it seems that social media for business promotion is here to stay and it wont be just a fad. I remember a time when businesses were hesitant to get into social media, but now all the businesses are jumping into it.


Now social media is a great way to promote your website. Almost every online business focus on this specially facebook, linkedin and twitter. Facebook is a great resource for allows you to create a platform around yourself and/or your brand and build a thriving community. Linkedin and twitter both are also great in social networking


I actually use social media in a different way. I used social media as a way to monitor conversations about a particular topic and monitor trends in the conversations and sentiments.

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