
I have a website on computer tips and i want to promote.

But I am little confuse because of social bookmarking.

Can anyone tell me pleas social bookmarking is the best way to increase traffic.


Obviously, Social book marking is able to provide you good back links and traffic too. Do select quality book marking site for better promotion work.

You can also do other SEO methods that you can use to promote your site. You can also advertise your site through social networking sites like facebook and twitter. Blog posting, forum commenting and directory submission can also help in increasing traffic to your site.

StumbleUpon drives a lot of traffic based on interests, but this can be very random. So you may get a lot more hits with stumble, but 60% of those hits are people who won't even bother reading your article.

Yes, Social Bookmarking websites is useful for more traffic on your website because lots of peoples more information share with others via social bookmarking sites and also very useful for social networking sites like twitter, facebook, stumble upon etc..

Maybe not the best one, but one of the most effective - for sure! You may submit your pages everyday, but try not to overdo, otherwise you may be considered as a spamm.

I really would not consider social bookmarking as the best way to increase traffic but it does certainly help
SEO still remains number one for long term results

Right, social bookmarking and social networking sites would be really nice free channel for increasing traffic purpose if only you could setup your profiles and use tags according to your targeted keyword tactically.

Have a nice day,

Social bookmarking is one of the tactics used in Off-Page SEO, but I would not consider it the best way to increase traffic. THAT is debatable of course. Some people may consider it the best off page technique whereas others consider article writing and submitting the best. SO, it is subject to interpretation and of course self experience.

Social bookmarking not a best way for increase traffic best it's useful to generate traffic if we do work on these sites properly and seriously but the bounce rate of the traffic can be very high.

Sometimes it is good, but not always, in rare cases Social Bookmarking Helps to increase the traffic, but you dont have to rely on it only.

It is also a good way of promotion and website become familiar but there are many other factors for increasing traffic for the website.

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