Hai friends

Hi I had a web site about travel in my country and it had monthly visit of 50000 per month. The site giving more information about travel places in my country and the home page content is changing every weekly and it also had a blog section for discussion and also had our tour packages and share your travel experiences .

And at the time of development we make enough space for the advertisement and now we are thinking about filling that place with advertisements ...

I heard about Pay Per Click and Pay Per View advertisement. I am very new to this advertisement field and please advise me which one is better for me....

Really I wanna good advise

Thanks in advance

It all depends on your site's goal and the campaign goal. I personally vote for PPC since it may be cheaper than pay per view. Also, will your ad be text or video related since video model is usually pay per view like VideoEgg.

Wait... you are asking about selling advertising, correct?

Wait... you are asking about selling advertising, correct?

Ya selling the space in my web site for advertisement ( third party )
Not want to advertise in other web sites ...


You should look into Google AdSense. It is very simple to publish their relevant ads and get paid on a CPC (cost per click) basis. You can also choose to display text or image ads, measure performance, and decide which performs best.

In regards to CPM (cost per one thousand impressions), I don't think Google sells ads in this fashion. However, there are many other ad networks that do and i *think you can use them alongside AdSense if you wanted.

You should look into Google AdSense. It is very simple to publish their relevant ads and get paid on a CPC (cost per click) basis. You can also choose to display text or image ads, measure performance, and decide which performs best.

In regards to CPM (cost per one thousand impressions), I don't think Google sells ads in this fashion. However, there are many other ad networks that do and i *think you can use them alongside AdSense if you wanted.

Thanks for your reply and if you don't mind ... do you have any idea about how much Google offered per 1000 impressions ?


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